While the Disney+ series Obi-Wan Kenobi is about to premiere on our small screen within a day, original writer Hossein Amini revealed something about the original version of the series. That very reason pulled him out of the Disney+ show.
According to Amini, his version of Obi-Wan Kenobi had biblical references in his scripts that could have made this series dark. During the recent press conference of the series, Director Deborah Chow cited her approach as, “a different tone,” which if merged with Amini’s concept could have taken a completely different turn.
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Why did original Writer Hossein Amini’s Script Get Him Fired?
Amini cited his way of portraying the legendary Jedi Master in a section of Script Apart. “The thing that inspired me… this is probably why I got fired [laughs], I remember, like, thinking it’s a little bit like the Book of Job,” he stated. “Where [Obi-Wan] needs to go through tests and, y’know, that idea that you go through tests and then at the end of it you find your faith. And that for me is quite a dark journey, but it ends up kind of in a hopeful place. But, y’know, look, I think I’m naturally drawn to, like I said, those sorts of things and I think maybe one of the strengths of Star Wars is its simplicity.”
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Former Writer’s Scripts Have Made into Obi-Wan Kenobi
Amini also confirmed that his writing appears to have made it into the finished series saying, “I can describe what things interested me at the time which were that Obi-Wan in that particular time and place, you know the idea… and I think a lot of that is still there, the idea of all his friends have died, what he believed in has fallen and, you know, and he’s lost his faith in a sense, he’s lost his… not in the Force, but some sense of [faith]. And from what I see in the trailer, that notion is still there and my name is still on some of the scripts even though there are lots of other writers now.”
Showrunner Joby Harold who replaced Amini as lead writer on the show said, “We certainly inherited a lot of ideas from the [story] developments in the past,” He added, “But there’s also a lot of new directions and ideas we explored, building off some of those things we inherited.”
Obi-Wan Kenobi arrives on Disney+ on May 27, 2022.