Following the release of the Ghost of Tsushima video game in 2020, Chad Stahelski took the opportunity to announce his upcoming movie adaptation in association with Sony Pictures. While preparing his movie project in full capacity since 2021, the acclaimed filmmaker recently shared a new status update on his project.
With the joint production between Sony Pictures and PlayStation Productions, Chad Stahelski is ready to tell the tale of Jin Sakai, the last remaining samurai warrior of Clan Sakai. Being extremely confident regarding his adaptation of Ghost of Tsushima, the director is set to match the critical success of HBO’s television series The Last Of Us.
Chad Stahelski Shares Major Ghost of Tsushima Update
After Sucker Punch Studios launched their action-adventure video game Ghost of Tsushima in 2020, Sony Pictures noticed the excitement in the air and announced a movie adaptation helmed by Chad Stahelski in 2021. Thus, joining the joint production between Sony and PlayStation Productions, the director started work at full capacity to do justice to the video game plot.
The movie is set to narrate the tale of Jin Sakai, a samurai warrior and the only living member of Clan Sakai, who faces the invading Mongol forces on the isle of Tsushima in the 12th century. Although previously Chad Stahelski didn’t mention any update on the film, he recently shared a major update with ComicBookMovie. Conveying the game on the big screen, the director stated, “That’s something we’re in heavy development on”.
“The trick is not do we have great material, we know we have great material. It’s how to make it palpable in any platform…Make it satisfying and leave it open to expand further from there.”
Without providing a specific release date for the Ghost of Tsushima movie, Chad Stahelski simply mentioned his broad perspective of transforming the video game into a film. Keeping the stages of pre-production and the major milestones a secret, the director is simply focused on giving shape to his adaptation.
Ghost of Tsushima To Compete With HBO’s The Last Of Us
While people appear excited about Chad Stahelski’s upcoming video game adaptation Ghost of Tsushima, the acclaimed filmmaker expressed his confidence to match the critical success of HBO’s The Last Of Us. Discussing with BroBible‘s Post-credit podcast, Stahelski revealed how he believes his adaptation of Ghost of Tsushima can match the quality and acclaim status of The Last of Us.
“I hope that The Last of Us shines a further light on upcoming video game adaptions. Rainbow Six, Ghost of Tsushima I’m working on. Both are fantastic projects that I really hope come to fruition. But Ghost… it’s got an amazing story. It’s the anti-samurai samurai movie. It’s got great thematics.” Chad Stahelski mentioned
Discussing his agenda to compete with The Last Of Us, the John Wick 4 filmmaker mentioned,
“We have a lot of push on that and a lot of interest because Last of Us pushing that, yes, the curse of video game-to-movie is kind of lifted. It can be done.”
Irrespective of the increased scrutiny that video game movie adaptations suffer, Stahelski appears quite optimistic about his adaptation.
“Ghost, of probably all the other video game [movies] in development, I think that’s the one that’s going to land.”
Learning from the mistakes that The Last Of Us made by trying to please both existing video game fans and audiences, by striking a balance between accuracy and narrative, Ghost of Tsushima appears to have an upper hand. Thus, The Last of Us appears to act as a good blueprint for the Ghost of Tsushima.