Starring Pedro Pascal as the lead, The Mandalorian is among the most popular series on Disney+. The second season of the show introduced actress Katee Sackhoff as Bo-Katan Kryze. The character has grown to seemingly take the lead, putting the show’s lead Din, in the backseat. Sackhoff, who initially voiced the character in Star Wars: The Clone Wars, joined the live-action Star Wars spin-off and reprised her role in the third season of the show.
However, fans of the show don’t seem to like her character that much and have deemed Bo-Katan a hypocrite. During a recent discussion on the Disney+ show, the 43-year-old actress went on a rant against people who do not like her character in The Mandalorian.
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Katee Sackhoff on Bo-Katan Getting Hate on the Internet
The Mandalorian star Katee Sackhoff recently talked about the hate her character in the show has been receiving. She mentioned how people have been saying that she doesn’t know anything and how bad of an actor she is. Sackhoff shared that her husband usually gets mad at her for focusing too much on these things.
“My husband gets so mad at me because I would go on social media, and I’d be like ‘Everybody fu*king hates me.'” the Riddick star said. She further shared that she described the situation to her husband, but he would ask her how many people said these things.
Katee Sackoff would tell her husband that everyone is talking about this. She shared that her husband came to her after an hour to tell her that he “found two” only. The Longmire actress explained to her husband that “70% are super-super excited about Bo [Katan].”
However, 10% of the fans seem to hate it all, 5% only hate her character in the show, Bo-Katan, and there are “2% that want [her] to sit on their face.” This is not the first time Sackhoff has addressed the hate toward her character and her performance in the Disney+ show. Earlier, she defended her character, saying that Bo-Katan does everything in the best interest of her people.
The Bo-Katan Actress Defends Her Character
During an earlier interview, Katee Sackhoff tried to come to reason with her character’s mistake stating that Bo-Katan was “very young in Clone Wars.” She also claimed that her character in The Mandalorian has been through betrayals and is also aware of the mistakes she has committed.
“She followed somebody she thought she trusted who had similar ideologies, and she was wrong. And I think she knows that.”
The Oculus actress seemed to connect and understand her character very well. And she could again join Din Djarin in the next season of the show. There are also assumptions that Bo-Katan could even lead the show.
All seasons of The Mandalorian are available to stream on Disney+.
Source: Kristian Harloff