Bella Ramsey will be starring as Ellie alongside Pedro Pascal in the upcoming series, The Last of Us. The actor has recently come out as gender fluid and has stated that there are no specific pronouns preferred to her. The TV adaption will have the actor in a lead role, and the anticipation for it has been off the charts.
Ramsey has received a nomination for her role in Catherine Called Birdy in the gender-neutral category for the Critics Choice Award for Lena Dunman. The actor simply considers herself as a person and no specific gender is a limitation for her. While there is no specific gender she goes by, pronouns are the least of her concern.
Bella Ramsey Does Not Think Much Of Pronouns
When any individual comes out against the societal appointed gender, the first question asked is what pronouns would they prefer in accordance with the change in their gender. Bella Ramsey recently confirmed that she is gender fluid and when asked the same question, she replied with no care at all about that. She does not see herself as a specific gender and being called both she/her and he/him has the same impact on her.
“I guess my gender has always been very fluid,” she said. “Someone would call me ‘she’ or ‘her’ and I wouldn’t think about it, but I knew that if someone called me ‘he’ it was a bit exciting.”
The actor later elaborated on how non-binary would be the category she would choose on paper. Another factor highlighted is that there is no specific gender that she prefers to be labeled by, and would rather be something the actor decides on her own at the moment. However, when it comes to pronouns, she has no preferences and can be referred to with any set of pronouns.
Bella Ramsey Will Be Debuting As Ellie In Last Of Us
The Last of Us will soon be premiering on HBO Max, with Bella Ramsey as Ellie and Pedro Pascal as Joel. The actor made her debut with Game of Thrones as Lyanna Mormont. Ellie is seen to be lesbian in the games and while it is still unclear whether or not her sexuality will be looked upon at the beginning of the show, there is still a high chance of it happening.
Riley Abel and her share a strong relationship in the games and while there is a possibility of the same happening in the show, it is not yet confirmed. However, other relationships such as Bill and Frank will get their own episode exploring their story.
The Last of Us will premiere on HBO Max on the 15th of January.
Also Read: Did HBO Nail the Adaptation of The Last of Us?
Source: Pink News