Jeffrey Dean Morgan, a charismatic and multi-talented actor, had inscribed a remarkable place for himself in the entertainment industry. In an unexpected turn of events, he claimed that Warner Bros. purposefully ruined a potential superhero movie franchise. The 57-year-old claimed that the studio had deliberately set up the film for failure, despite its potential to spawn a successful sequel.
This accusation sent shockwaves through the industry, provoking speculation about the inner workings of Hollywood.
Why The Losers Didn’t Have A Sequel?
In the world of Hollywood franchises, it is not uncommon for successful films to generate sequels, capitalizing on their popularity. However, some promising movies fail to receive the sequel treatment.
Back in 2007, Warner Bros. embarked on developing a film adaptation of The Losers, based on the DC comic book by Andy Diggle.
Directed by Sylvian White and featuring a talented ensemble cast, including Jeffrey Dean Morgan, Idris Elba, Columbus Short, Oscar Jaenada, and Chris Evans, the film followed an elite black ops team seeking revenge after a mission gone wrong.
Upon its release in 2010, The Losers received mixed reviews, but it was praised for its cast. Despite Warner Bros.’s investment of $25 million into the comic book movie, it struggled at the box office.
With a worldwide total of only $29.4 million, of which $23.6 million came from the domestic box office, the film fell short of expectations. Given its modest financial success, it comes as no surprise that Warner Bros. was not inclined to pursue a sequel.
However, The Walking Dead star shared his insights on the reasons behind The Losers’ underperformance and box office failure, clearing doubts about the movie’s struggles and missed potential.
Jeffrey Dean Morgan Discussed The Losers’ Box Office Failure
The Losers, a 2010 action film based on the comic book series, seemed to have had all the elements for success.
The artist, who played the lead role in the film, had previously shared his thoughts on why The Losers fell short of expectations.
In an interview with the media outlet, he blamed Warner Bros. and the marketing campaign for the film’s underperformance. He said,
“It wasn’t promoted the way it should have been, to be honest with you. And it’s too bad because when we did that movie, the idea was there was going to be more than one.”
Reflecting on the film’s marketing, The Losers’ trailers heavily emphasized its action and comedy, which accurately represented the movie. Unfortunately, the film failed to make a significant impact at the box office, becoming a glaring obstacle to a potential sequel.
Now, with more than a decade passed since its release, the chances of a sequel for The Losers appear unlikely, as Warner Bros. may lack confidence in avoiding another misfire, despite the star power of the main cast.
Source: Fandom