Amazon Prime’s The Boys introduced Karl Urban as the antihero Billy Butcher. The show follows superheroes that are a stark contrast to conventional superhumans. Billy Butcher, who hates these superheroes for losing his wife, leads a group against them called The Boys. He serves as Homelander’s archenemy in the series and goes against The Seven. And seems like the Dredd star is opting for his The Boys character’s persona for calling out some toxic fans on the internet.
Karl Urban Calls Out Toxic Fans on Twitter
Seems like Karl Urban has portrayed the antihero, Billy Butcher, long enough to opt for his characteristics in real life. The 50-year-old actor recently took to Twitter to call out a toxic fan for cyberbullying and warned that person for their “cruel & wicked racist” behavior.
Although Urban did not go into specifics, he did warn the troll to stop or things could get serious. In his tweet, he mentioned, “it’s come to my attention that a toxic fan is engaged in persistent cyber-bullying.”
He further warns the troll to stop, or “the whole WORLD will soon see you and know you for the cruel & wicked racist that you are.” He concluded his tweet with something that Billy Butcher would say, “Your dumb German a*s will get NUKED from orbit “
It is yet unclear what led Karl Urban to warn the troll on Twitter, but his fans and co-stars seem to appreciate him for calling out cyberbullies. His co-star from the Amazon Prime show, Antony Starr, replied to his tweet with applause emojis.
However, some also seemed offended by the Star Trek actor using a particular “nationality as a swear word” in his tweet. He will be returning as the vigilante Billy Butcher in the next season of The Boys.
Why Does Karl Urban Love Playing Billy Butcher?
Karl Urban’s character in The Boys is known for saying and doing things that most people would not do. And the Doom star has shared that he loves Butcher’s “Machiavellian nature” and has found him relatable since he starred in the show.
During one of his interviews, he talked about what he loves most about Billy Butcher. He shared that Butcher does and says things that one can’t do in real life, and he finds these types of characters “fun” to play.
“I love it when I get the opportunity to convince other characters to go along with some harebrained scheme,” he added. He described his character as an “inverse superhero.” Season 3 of The Boys ended with the Butcher facing nasty side effects from using Temp V. While fans wait for his on-screen appearance as Billy Butcher in season 4, Karl Urban gave fans a sneak peek at his character on Twitter.
The Boys is available to stream on Amazon Prime.
Read More: ‘The Boys’ is the Perfect Satirical Take On The Superhero Genre
Source: Karl Urban via Twitter