After The Boys Presents: Diabolical, Amazon Prime is all set to release yet another spin-off in the universe of The Boys in 2023. This time it is The Boys Presents: Varsity or simply Varsity. This is the second spin-off of the series and will mainly focus on some university students who are young adult supes who are being tested in Godolkin University School of Crimefighting, run by Vought International. As this superhero universe starts expanding itself, the showrunner Eric Kripke explains why he owes to the MCU legend Kevin Feige for this.
The Boys’ VCU Owes to MCU:
The Boys Universe is termed as The Vought Cinematic Universe after the infamous company that manages these notorious supes in the series. The Mastermind behind the Boys Universe Eric Kripke has revealed that Kevin Feige and his Marvel Cinematic Universe helped him a lot in establishing this new Superhero universe.
As the season finale of season 3 just debuted a few days back on the streaming platform, Eric Kripke revealed that the pilot show will be connected with the spin-off and crossovers can be expected. According to him, Marvel helped him a lot in this shared universe concept as they had been always a Pro in this connecting dot things:
“I give credit to Kevin Feige — because we are doing that thing where, in a certain way, the spinoff is picking up elements of how our season ended, carrying that ball forward, and then the next season of ‘The Boys’ is picking it up because there are crossovers in characters and there’s a presidential campaign happening in the background. There’s just all these things in the world that we have to address and cover.”
Eric Kripke further added that it’s not a child’s play to create a vast series of stories in the same universe. The makers have not only some stories to tell but also need to move the massive story forward:
“That shared universe is f*cking hard, man, because they’re ultimately all episodes of the same giant series. So making them all not just entertaining in their own place, but telling this massive meta-story moving forward, I give Kevin Feige a lot of credit.”
Also Read: How The Boys Trolls MCU By Mutilating Most Iconic Marvel Quotes
Do The Boys actually Love MCU?
It has been countless times, that The Boys openly trolled MCU through its dialogues, storylines, multiple subplots, and in numerous other ways. It has always been hailed as one of the most groundbreaking stories ever that broke all the stereotypes of superhero movies ever shown and as a result of it, many repeated times, the show has mocked the other superhero studios mainly the MCU.
Even though the show never left a single chance to not roast MCU, it can’t be denied that if it not had been for MCU, this idea of Shared Universe could never have reached the heights where it is now. So in a way, all the blooming shared movie or series universes owe Marvel for this brilliant idea and thus it doesn’t matter how many times VCU roasted MCU, that’s their own unique way of storytelling and doesn’t contradict the fact MCU did help them a lot in achieving the overwhelming success.
You can stream all the seasons of The Boys on Amazon Prime Video.
Source: Variety