The Big Bang Theory first aired in 2007. It delivered 12 seasons successfully. That’s a huge number! Throughout the seasons, the show unfolded the true side of its protagonists. Leonard Hofstadter is the de facto protagonist of the sitcom and most stories revolve around him. He was a lovable character in the series. However, as time changed, a few things about him didn’t change. So, check out the list and let us know if you agree or disagree with us!
1. Leonard Depending Too Much On His Girlfriend(s) For Being Happy
Well, love does make you happy and content. But that’s not the only thing that does. We can be single and independent and yet be the happiest. Happiness comes from within. However, in the series, we see Leonardo needs someone to be happy. Moreover, he would fall into depression if he didn’t have a girlfriend. This is something today’s audience won’t approve of.
2. Leonard’s Complaining Nature In The Big Bang Theory
Whining a few times can be understandable, but whining always even over petty issues? Now that’s irritating. Leonard is one character who complains over anything and everything throughout the series which gets intolerable, to be honest. Who whines for not collecting Comic-Con tickets, or for not having a girlfriend? Leonard.
3. Many Of Us Forgot That Leonard Was Once Unfaithful To Penny In The Big Bang Theory
The show played its game well. It portrayed Leonard in such a good light that he was the ideal good boy. However, we all forgot, or maybe we let it slip easily, that he once was unfaithful to Penny. During his North Sea expedition, he was so caught up in his party lifestyle that he almost forgot about Penny and made out with his colleague. OH AND ALSO, Penny forgave him of this.
4. Leonard Was Being Pushy When Penny And Him Got Together For The First Time
Not everybody commits just as when they get into a relationship. The same was the case with Penny when they first started dating. However, Leonard was being pushy and needy all the time that led to Penny breaking up. Well, it wasn’t her fault. This gets annoying for the person dealing.
5. Leonard’s Girlfriend Didn’t Like Penny, So Leonard Let The Whole Group Alienate Her
Priya, Leonard’s girlfriend in Season 4 didn’t like Penny. Hence, Leonard ended his friendship with her. But things didn’t stop here. Because Leonard ended his friendship with Penny, the entire group alienated her. Leonard could’ve acted maturely and asked the group to not do this and treat her right.
6. Leonard’s Jealousy Towards Penny’s Handsome Study Partner
Jealousy is a toxic trait. This means you do not trust your partner. This is where things start to go down the drain. When Penny realized her acting career was not working out, she decided to attend community college. Initially, Leonard was supportive of this move. But when he saw Penny’s handsome study partner, he turned insecure and jealous. Thankfully they talked it out. But still, the trait is something we as the audience do not approve of.