During the Red Carpet premiere of Matt Damon and Ben Affleck’s upcoming movie Air, The Martian actor didn’t back away from taking another hilarious jab at Jimmy Kimmel. Following their decade-long feud, which began during season 3 of Jimmy Kimmel Live, both of the celebrities haven’t missed an opportunity to take shots at each other and kept the fans entertained.
And after coming across each other during the Red Carpet Event of Air, the duo didn’t hold back from taking digs at each other and shut down any possibilities of reconciling anytime soon.
Matt Damon shuts the possibility of ending his feud with Jimmy Kimmel
After Matt Damon was asked about his thoughts on ending his years-long feud with the late-night host during the Red Carpet Premiere of his movie Air, Damon hilariously shut the possibility down. The actor jokingly expressed that he has no plans of ending his feud with Jimmy Kimmel by saying,
“No, no, he’s an a**hole. Why would I ever do that? He’s a terrible human being. He’s a terrible human being. He’s a demonstrably bad man.”
He further went on to mock Kimmel by yelling the host’s ongoing gag on Jimmy Kimmel Live, saying, “Hey! I’d love to take a picture with you but we ran out of time!”. However, Kimmel also didn’t let the opportunity slide to take some shots at The Martian Star.
Jimmy Kimmel isn’t looking forward to reconciliation either
After Matt Damon mocked Jimmy Kimmel on the Red Carpet premiere of Air, the late-night talk show host wasn’t going to let that slide, as he went on to blast the actor in his typical fashion. While speaking with Entertainment Tonight, Kimmel jokingly said, “You know, I don’t know who that was, but yeah, I heard him. He was loud.”
The talk show host also went on to shut down the idea of reconciling his bond with the Ocean’s Eleven star and brushed off the idea of devoting an episode to the actor. He said,
“I just can’t imagine it happening. I really can’t. I think we have Ben [Affleck] on tomorrow, so we’ll have that, but that will be as close as we get.”
Even though their feud is technically fake and the duo loves to pretend to hate each other, however, that doesn’t make it less entertaining, as their digs at each other always leave the audience in giggles.
Air will hit theatres on 5 April 2023.
Source: Entertainment Tonight