After the huge success of Oppenheimer, Christopher Nolan set his eyes on his other upcoming projects. Reportedly, the actor may soon direct a 007 film, as the filmmaker recently expressed that directing an installment of the James Bond franchise would be a great honor. However, according to Nolan, he would prefer to personally select the actor who would best fit the role of 007.
Meanwhile, numerous actors’ names have been put forward for the role, including Oppenheimer star Cillian Murphy. Surprisingly, the actor showed no interest in playing the role of Bond. Instead, he stated that he would consider any other role in the film, except that of 007.
Christopher Nolan showed his willingness to direct a Bond film
Veteran director Christopher Nolan is undoubtedly one of the best directors in the film industry. Be it his recent iconic film Oppenheimer or his previous works, the director has never failed his audience. Following the success of Oppenheimer, Nolan is aiming at his upcoming projects, and recently the filmmaker expressed his desire to direct a James Bond film.
The director said that it would be an “amazing privilege” to direct a 007 film, but he has one condition for it. Nolan said that it will be an honor for him to direct a Bond film, but he wants to personally choose the actor for the character of Bond. The director said,
“It would be an amazing privilege to do one. It has to be the right moment in your creative life where you can express what you want to express.”
The filmmaker further claimed that looking at the hype for the Bond series, it is necessary to go at a steady pace and approach the franchise with the right attitude.
Looking at some of Nolan’s past projects, it can be observed that he prefers working with the same trusted people again and again. For instance, actors like Christian Bale and Cillian Murphy have collaborated with the director on numerous projects.
So is there any chance to witness the same faces again in Nolan’s film? Well, nothing yet has been declared, so it cannot be served as a fact. However, previous producers Barbara Broccoli suggested that the new Bond is likely to be younger, and the franchise may introduce a new face.
Also Read: Not Cillian Murphy or Robert Downey Jr, These 10 Actors Would be a Better Doctor Doom in Secret Wars
Cillian Murphy claims that he has no interest in playing 007
Christopher Nolan and Cillian Murphy have collaborated on many projects, and whenever the duo comes together, they create a blast, just like they did in their latest explosive hit, Oppenheimer. Since Nolan has expressed his willingness to take on the Bond project, some fans have suggested that Murphy could be a perfect fit for the role. But does Murphy agree to it?
The actor who previously asserted that the role of Bond should be portrayed by a woman has recently claimed that he is uninterested in taking on the role of 007. During an interview, the actor was asked what he aspires to play in Nolan’s Bond movie. The actor responded to it by saying,
“I’m not James Bond, man, that ship has sailed.”
Listening to his response, the interviewer asked if he was interested in playing any other character from the Bond series, to which Murphy replied by saying,
“Let’s see what Chris [Christopher Nolan] comes up with.”
Even though Murphy isn’t enthusiastic about playing James Bond, looking at his previous work, it can be said that the actor can undoubtedly ace any role offered.
Source: Youtube, The Telegraph