Alan Rickman, who cemented the character of Severus Snape in the Harry Potter series, made an unforgettable impact on the film industry. While Snape’s complex portrayal garnered widespread acclaim, the 69-year-old pride surpassed the magical world.
Surprisingly, he found satisfaction in his portrayal of Hans Gruber, the clever enemy in the action-packed smash Die Hard, despite the film’s obvious plot holes. Rickman’s ability to infuse depth into diverse characters remains his legacy.
Alan Rickman Felt Proud Of Die Hard Despite The Film’s Significant Storyline Problems
Alan Rickman, renowned for his theatrical skills, embraced a deep sense of pride for his portrayal of the iconic villain Hans Gruber in the action-packed blockbuster Die Hard.
Read more: Alan Rickman Wanted to Quit Harry Potter Before JK Rowling’s 1 Word Changed His Mind
Initially hesitant, Rickman’s decision to accept the role came after a perceptive observation within the script, despite its notable plot flaws.
In his journal titled Madly, Deeply: The Alan Rickman Diaries, the late actor documented his personal and professional reflections, including his debut in Die Hard, which went on to become a sensational success, grossing a staggering $140 million and sparking a franchise.
Interestingly, he defended the script in a 2015 interview, stating,
“I was in Hollywood, with all that meant. It was exciting and as time has borne out, that script wasn’t stupid. Stupider films have been made trying to be it since. It’s genuinely witty and every black character is strong in it.”
His admiration for the script’s progressive nature, along with his management’s support, pushed Rickman to embrace the memorable role of Gruber in Die Hard.
What Was The Major Plot Hole In Die Hard Film?
The film Die Hard, a beloved classic in the action genre, is not immune to flaws. However, the creators of the movie have explained a significant plot hole that occurs in the middle of the film.
In the main scene, the crafty antagonist Hans Gruber, played by Rickman, initially poses as a hostage when encountering John McClane, portrayed by Bruce Willis.
McClane senses something is wrong, prompting his escape, but the actual trigger for his suspicion is never explicitly revealed.
Screenwriter Steven E. de Souza shed light on this deletion during a special anniversary screening, explaining that a crucial scene highlighting the synchrony of the terrorists’ watches was excised during the final editing process. De Souza shared,
“[Director] John [McTiernan] says to the editor, Get the scissors in there. Cut as soon as you can when they get off the truck so we don’t see there’s no ambulance.”
This missed detail would have provided context for McClane’s deductions, highlighting the significance of the identical watches observed on the terrorists.
However, the removal of this synchronize your watches moment was necessitated by the addition of the escape ambulance subplot.
Despite this flaw, Die Hard maintains its status as a captivating film, captivating audiences with its thrilling action sequences and unforgettable performances.
Source: Empire Online