“Stranger Things,” Netflix’s enthralling original series, premiered in 2016, and fans of the blockbuster sci-fi show set in the 1980s have been following the cast’s every move since then. Millie Bobby Brown, Finn Wolfhard, Noah Schnapp, Gaten Matarazzo, and Caleb McLaughlin are among the rising young talents in the group, which also includes Joe Keery, Natalia Dyer, Charlie Heaton, and Priah Ferguson.
“Stranger Things” has a few seasoned vets in the entertainment industry, such as David Harbour and Winona Ryder, in addition to an all-star cast of teenage up-and-comers. On Stranger Things, Joyce Byers and Jim Hopper showcase all the chemistry in the world, but David Harbour and Winona Ryder have much more spark than the characters they play. In real life, the two are quite close, and Harbour admits that it’s difficult not to fall in love with her. And, unsurprisingly, the actor says that he had a long-term crush on Ryder when he was young.
David Harbour confesses having a crush on his Stranger Things co-star
In an interview with The LA Times, David Harbour claims that he had a huge crush on his co-star when they were younger. He was forever enamoured with the lady who would one day play his on-screen love interest after seeing her in vintage classics like Beetlejuice, Edward Scissorhands, and Heathers. And working with his Hollywood crush was no less than a dream to him.
“She was my high school crush with Heathers and Beetlejuice, and she’s such a great person to work with. I do feel like there are moments where you fall in love with Winona. It feels like a marriage, where we’re willing to go the distance in that way that gets really uncomfortable. I want to do a scene with Winona where I get so messed up that I have to go back to my trailer and cry.”
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While Harbour and Ryder “bicker,” they often experience “really lovely moments” together, according to Harbour. David Harbour complimented her by rounding out his own acting ability, saying that his performance as an actor wouldn’t function without her. “Without her and her performance, my performance doesn’t make sense if that was another actress,” he remarked. “I’m so grateful for what she brings, and all the heart and passion that she brings to her work.”
Stranger Things Season 4 Volume 1 is now available on Netflix. Volume 2 for the same season will air on 1 July 2022.
Source – LA Times