Tom Holland, the actor known to the world as Spider-Man was quite heartbroken with his co-star during their run in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Talking about Robert Downey Jr. and his on-screen partner Gwyneth Paltrow, the actress did not actually remember Holland and his character of Spider-Man.
Talking about it in Netflix’s The Chef Show, Paltrow remained ignorant of ever meeting Tom Holland when Jon Favreau asked her. Upon hearing this news, the actor was quite heartbroken that Paltrow did not remember him despite starring in the same movie.
When Gwyneth Paltrow Broke Tom Holland’s Heart
Since the Marvel Cinematic Universe is so vast, keeping track of all the characters, places, and, events is difficult. The same situation happened when Gwyneth Paltrow completely forgot which movie she starred in with Spider-Man actor Tom Holland.
In Netflix’s The Chef Show, Jon Favreau and Paltrow made an appearance in an episode. Talking about their shared history in the MCU, Favreau talked about the 2017 movie Spider-Man: Homecoming, Paltrow was incredulous that she did not remember starring in that movie.
“Spider-Man? We weren’t in Spider-Man … I was in Avengers!”
The director quickly corrected her that they were indeed in Spider-Man: Homecoming. “That was Spider-Man? Oh my God!” said Paltrow as the Internet shared hearty laughter with the actors. Tom Holland, on the other hand, was heartbroken when he heard the conversation.
Tom Holland Was Also Confused With Gwyneth Paltrow
When this conversation reached Tom Holland’s ears, the Uncharted actor was heartbroken that with Paltrow and him sharing a single movie, the actress still did not remember him.
“I’ve only worked with Gwyneth one time on Spider-Man: Homecoming, but she doesn’t remember. Still breaks my heart.”
He got confused as he further dived into the MCU and was even questioning his own movies and the screen that they shared together.
“Actually, no, that’s not true. One time when we were shooting Avengers: Infinity War, I think it was… no, it was Endgame. She was in her blue suit and I was in my Spider-Man suit, and she came up and she asked me for a photo, with me and Robert [Downey Jr.],”
With the MCU a common point between the actors, Tom Holland and Gwyneth Paltrow were seen in Avengers: Endgame back in 2019.
Source: Cheatsheet