Star Wars: 40 Beautiful Scenes from the Iconic Franchise

Created by George Lucas in 1977, Star Wars became a cultural sensation with a wide fan base. Across the span of 40 years, the franchise has rapidly expanded and produced iconic visuals. When it comes to picking the perfect scenes, there are often passionate debates. But here’s a list of the 40 most beautiful shots:

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1. “Desperate Transmission” from A New Hope

“Desperate Transmission” from A New Hope
Princess Leia with R2D2

2. Duel in Carbon Freezing Chamber on Bespin from The Empire Strikes Back.

Star Wars, Duel in Carbon Freezing Chamber on Bespin from The Empire Strikes Back.

3. The shot – “Duality” from the Last Jedi

The shot - "Duality" from the Last Jedi, Star wars

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4. “Haunting Memories” from The Rise of the Skywalker

"Haunting Memories" from The Rise of the Skywalker

5. The Emperor behind the clashing Lightsabers in Return of the Jedi

Star Wars, The Emperor behind the clashing Lightsabers in Return of the Jedi

6.  “Twin Suns” in A New Hope

Star Wars, "Twin Suns" in A New Hope

7. The scene of Darth Vader’s Fury in Rogue One

The scene of Darth Vader's Fury in Rogue One

8. Luke Skywalker’s “Solo Opposition” in The Last Jedi

Luke Skywalker's "Solo Opposition" in The Last Jedi

9. When the Mandalorian saves Grogu from being assassinated

Star Wars, When the Mandalorian saves Grogu from being assassinated

10. The X-wing floating over the swamp in Return of The Jedi

The X-wing floating over the swamp in Return of The Jedi

11. When there was a “Snowy Showdown” between Kylo Ren and Rey

When there was a "Snowy Showdown" between Kylo Ren and Rey, Star Wars

12. The “Sunset Sacrifice” scene in The Last Jedi

The "Sunset Sacrifice" scene in The Last Jedi

13. When Leia confesses her love for Han in The Empire Strikes Back

When Leia confesses her love for Han in The Empire Strikes Back, star wars

14. The Invasion Of Theed from The Phantom of Menace

The Invasion Of Theed from The Phantom of Menace

15. The Birth of Darth Vader in Revenge of The Sith.

The Birth of Darth Vader in Revenge of The Sith.

16. The tragic death of Han Solo in The Force Awakens

Star Wars, The tragic death of Han Solo in The Force Awakens

17. The scene where Kylo Ren meets Snoke

The scene where Kylo Ren meets Snoke

18. The “Bespin Tragedy” in The Empire Strikes Back

The "Bespin Tragedy" in The Empire Strikes Back, star wars

19. “Holdo’s Maneuver” based on Holdo’s sacrifice in The Last Jedi

"Holdo's Maneuver" based on Holdo's sacrifice in The Last Jedi

20. When Yoda appears in Geonosis in Attack of The Clones

 Star Wars, When Yoda appears in Geonosis in Attack of The Clones

21. The closing scene with Vader’s shadow in Rogue One

The closing scene with Vader's shadow in Rogue One

22. The Battle of Hoth in The Empire Strikes Back

The closing scene with Vader's shadow in Rogue One

23. Darth Vader’s Funeral Pyre in Return of Jedi

Darth Vader's Funeral Pyre in Return of Jedi, star wars

24. The showdown between Obi-Wan and Darth Vader

The showdown between Obi-Wan and Darth Vader

25. Reforge of Kylo Ren’s Broken Helmet

Reforge of Kylo Ren's Broken Helmet

26. The first kiss between Han Solo and Princess Leia

The first kiss between Han Solo and Princess Leia

27. “Inverted Perspective” of Death Star from Rogue One

"Inverted Perspective" of Death Star from Rogue One

28. Darth Maul’s duel with Qui-Gon Jinn on Tatooine

Darth Maul's duel with Qui-Gon Jinn on Tatooine

29. Millennium Falcon flying over Jakku, past TIE fighters.

Millennium Falcon flying over Jakku, past TIE fighters.

30. When Obi wan Kenobi and Anakin duels on Mustafar

When Obi wan Kenobi and Anakin duels on Mustafar

31. When Ahsoka Tano’s makes a debut in Chapter 13 of The Mandalorian

When Ahsoka Tano's makes a debut in Chapter 13 of The Mandalorian

32. The revelation that Darth Vader is Luke’s Father

The revelation that Darth Vader is Luke's Father

33. A common sight on Tatooine was Sandcrawlers, used by Jawas.

Star Wars, A common sight on Tatooine was Sandcrawlers, used by Jawas.

34. One of the best characters in Rogue of One is Chirrut

One of the best characters in Rogue of One is Chirrut

35. Mandalorian Baby Yoda in Chapter 4: Sanctuary

Mandalorian Baby Yoda in Chapter 4: Sanctuary

36. When Han confronts Beckett and makes the first shot

When Han confronts Beckett and makes the first shot

37. Jabba’s Palace from Return of the Jedi

Jabba's Palace from Return of the Jedi

38. The “Royal Palace of Caserta” in Theed

The "Royal Palace of Caserta" in Theed

39. When Paige sacrifices her life to destroy Fulminatrix

Star Wars, When Paige sacrifices her life to destroy Fulminatrix

40. When Rey met BB8 for the first time in Star Wars: The Force Awake

When Rey met BB8 for the first time in Star Wars: The Force Awake



Written by Neal Johnson

An avid movie fan and pop culture enthusiast.

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