SpongeBob SquarePants is one of the well-known cartoon characters in modern times. Created by Stephen Hillenburg, the animated show entertained everyone regardless of age. Mike Mignola, the creator of famous character Hellboy, decided to renovate Spongebob characters. The reimagined art is a bit horrific, unlike the silly original ones.
Hellboy and SpongeBob
SpongeBob SquarePants first aired on Nickelodeon back in 1999, and immediately a huge hit. It succeeded in keeping its immense response to this day. This animated series has had multiple film adaptions, like SpongeBob, Patrick, Mr. Krabs, Squidward and the gang. The Series also paved its path into memes and is prominent in Internet culture.
On the other hand, Hellboy debuted back in 1993, with Mignola’s acclaimed Dark Horse Comics. It later adapted into multiple movies, animated films, and video games.
Both the series share no similarity in any aspect from characterization to the genre. Spongebob is light and colorful on contrary to the intenseness of Hellboy.
Against all odds, Mignola decided to bring his trademark style to the SpongeBob universe.
The real-life hero Migolna
Mignola actively posting his pieces of artwork during his self-quarantine. He covered everything from giving his characters a robotic look to cereal mascots.
In addition to this, he is donating proceeds from selling his sketches to World Central Kitchen to provide meals for those who need it.
On Sunday evening, Mignola posted some of his recent sketches. They are out of blue. He drew multiple SpongeBob characters, well, with a twist.
Check out his twitter here
Take a look at this artworks
We probably didn’t see that coming. This is not limited to SpongeBob and his best friend Patrik, He even posted a sketch of Squidward, Mr. Krabs, the abominable Plankton. Squidward’s face is surely a nightmare.
Mignola’s drawings look stellar. They showcase his unique style of using lines, heavy shadows, and body proportions. These attributes contribute perfectly to the characters of the SpongeBob universe.
To be honest, SpongeBob characters in Mignola’s style are fabulous. We will be glad if he releases a comic of Spongebob featuring his style.
An R-rated spin on the children’s classic might be highly unlikely, but these drawings are the closest thing readers will get to.
sources: ScreenRant, BleedingCool