The first look and details of the animated series Spider-Man: Freshman Year are unveiled in the latest Marvel Studios Animation panel at the San Diego Comic-Con 2022. Freshman Year is going to be an animated Disney+ series for Marvel which according to the studio will give us the origin story of MCU’s Peter Parker as per the makers. The show is going to be released sometime in 2024 and is also set to introduce several iconic Spider-Man characters in MCU.
What do we know about Spider-Man: Freshman Year yet?
In the Marvel Cinematic Universe, we were introduced to the Spider-Man for the first time yet in the 2016 multistarrer Marvel project Captain America: Civil War. In the movie, we were not shown any origin of the wall-crawler, it was a direct introduction to the character played by Tom Holland without digging into the past about the source of his superpowers.
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So according to the makers, the show will fill that gap and will present to us the whole story of Peter Benjamin Parker. According to them, this series will also have a season 2 named Sophomore Year. The makers also surprised the audience by revealing that the widely popular Charlie Cox is going to voice his iconic character of Daredevil in this series.
The list of surprises doesn’t end here as the makes went on to reveal that even Norman Osborn is going to be present in the series and will act as Peter’s mentor in the series. Norman Osborn will play similar kind of character to what Tony Stark played in Homecoming. Even a shot shown at the SDCC has parallels to the scene in Captain America: Civil War when Tony Stark visits Peter Parker’s house.
It will also show Harry Osborn, the iconic best friend of Peter Parker. Not only this but the show will also set up villains such as Scorpion, The Unicorn, Chameleon, Speed Demon, Tarantula, Butane, Carmella Black, and Otto Octavius and that’s where now arises a massive MCU Canon Confusion and thanks to Spider-Man: No Way Home, this only gets crazier.
The Colossal Canon Confusion caused by Freshman Year:
The announcement of the appearance of Doctor Octopus and Norman Osborn in the series has raised many questions among the fans as these characters who were recently introduced in No Way Home confirmed that they didn’t exist in our official MCU so having them back will only get the MCU movie out of the canon.
On the other hand, even Charlie Cox did an appearance in the same movie so his appearance in this series will get his own Netflix series de-canonized. But it can’t be forgotten that now MCU can do anything as they have a remedy for everything in the form of Multiverse. They can very well announce that this series exists in a separate universe and not in the main universe.
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Although it was never officially said by the makers that the show is canon but they did mention that this series follows Peter Parker “on his way to becoming Spider-Man in the MCU”, this MCU word sparked confusion among the fandom who immediately caught themselves trying to match the puzzle pieces. Now it will be interesting to watch how the whole thing turns out.
Spider-Man: Freshman Year will be premiered on Disney+ in 2024 while Spider-Man: No Way Home can be streamed on Netflix.
Source: The Direct