Recently Ben Affleck has opened up about his romance with Jennifer Lopez. For those who don’t know, Ben Affleck and Jennifer Lopez dated during the 2000s, even though, the Oscar-winning actor and the pop star preferred to call their engagement off. After that, the two restored their romance in 2020 as they took off officially on Instagram with a photo of them kissing on a yacht on her birthday.
According to the actor, since he and Jennifer Lopez announced their engagement, the ongoing priority was mainly on tabloid hysteria. She is known as a one-woman multimedia factory that runs out hit movies, best-selling albums, including clothing and fragrance lines, and other products in dizzying profusion. She already has two failed marriages in the bag, but for him, she is the last woman on earth to have been chosen if he wanted to keep a low profile.
Check out: ‘Nothing’s More Fulfilling’: Jennifer Lopez Hints She Wants to Start a Family With Ben Affleck
Why Did Ben Affleck Want to Get Back With Jennifer Lopez?
Back then some people gossiped that the engagement was a tactic to promote the couple’s upcoming movies. But Ben Affleck and Jennifer Lopez showered each other with such luxurious gifts that, even Liz Smith said recently, “if this is a publicity stunt, it is one of the most expensive in history.” The actor adds:
“Jennifer is a really wonderful, fabulous woman, smart and interesting. Spending time with her makes me a better person and a happier person. She impresses me every day. It feels better to me to be with her than without her. That’s why I made this decision, even if some other things have to be sacrificed.”
“Jen and I want to get married for the reason everyone else does: we fell in love. I’m in love; I want to have a family, and she’s the only person I’ve ever met who made me entertain the thought of doing that.”
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Ben Affleck Reveals Why He Couldn’t Renew His Romance With Jennifer Lopez After His Split With Jennifer Garner
The actor also talked about his divorce from Jennifer Garner, expressing that they decided to evolve apart after giving their relationship enough chances.
“We had a marriage that didn’t work. We tried because we had kids. We did not want it to be the model of marriage for the kids. We did our best.”
“It crossed my mind for sure. My responsibility to my children is the highest responsibility. I don’t want to do anything that is painful or destructive to them if I can help it.”
He also explained how horrible lies were shown about his divorce from Jennifer Garner and that he didn’t want his children to go through that same phase again.