The One Piece live-action adaptation series is based on one of the most popular manga of the same name, written and illustrated by the great mangaka Eiichiro Oda. It later became a hit anime series with the same name and has since become a renowned franchise.
The series follows the adventures of Monkey D. Luffy, a young boy who acquired extraordinary rubber-based abilities after consuming the Devil Fruit.
Alongside his crew, he embarks on a journey to locate the fabled “One Piece” treasure and to claim the title of King of the Pirates, while facing formidable adversaries and forging new alliances and friendships.
The new show has generally garnered a favorable reception from both viewers and critics. However, in anticipation of its release on August 31, One Piece creator Eiichiro Oda made a candid prediction about the Netflix live-action series that, indeed, proved accurate.
Transposing Such an Immense World of One Piece into Reality was Quite Challenging
Prior to the series’ release, Eiichiro Oda, the creator of One Piece, had already foreseen that the most devoted fans might not be satisfied with the final product.
In an open letter shared in July, Oda wrote:
“It took a lot of work… the efforts of the actors, the reconstruction of buildings and costumes, realising the situations so that they could only work in live action, the dialogues… and the commitment of so many people who worked together was already in itself something beautiful.”
In the letter, Oda expressed his amazement at the concept of adapting One Piece into a live-action format, especially considering the immense challenge of bringing the rich and fantastical world of One Piece into the realm of reality.
Eiichiro Oda was Fully Aware of Hardcore Fans’ Criticisms
Oda went on to recognize that, upon the series’ release, he was fully aware that some fans would scrutinize and find fault with aspects such as missing characters, omitted scenes, or deviations from the original manga.
He wrote in the letter that:
“Sure that some will point the finger at that character that is missing, or that scene that was omitted, or the differences from the manga,” He further added “But I’m sure these criticisms will come from those who have love for One Piece.”
Oda even confessed that there were certain lines he initially felt the manga’s main character, Luffy, wouldn’t utter. However, after witnessing the scenes filmed and the performance of the lead star, Inaki Godoy, he came to appreciate how these lines were executed.
In his open letter, Oda additionally disclosed that the production team consented to re-shoot numerous scenes because he personally believed they were not up to the standard he wanted to present to the world.
Also Read: 10 Movies and TV Shows of ‘One Piece’ Live Action Cast Anime Fans Must Watch
Source: NME