Smallville series first aired on tv in 2001 and went on for four seasons. The show followed Clark Kent’s early years as a high-school student and his career to become a reporter and work with Lois Lane.
Actors Tom Welling and Michale Rosenbaum recently opened up about the planned animated version of the series. Their performances as Clark Kent and Lex Luther earned them a lot of praise and a legion of followers during the original series run. In fact, the late big-screen Man of Steel, Christopher Reeve appreciated their performances. Also, he made two cameo appearances in the 10 season run of the show.
What hyped the fans?
The initial hype amongst fans was generated when Tom Welling made a cameo appearance in CW crossover event Crisis on Infinite Earths. Soon after this, it was announced in June that Smallville animated series was in development. Initially, the news was shared by Tom Welling in a Cameo Video. He confirmed that both actors are working on the animated series of the show. Also, there are plans to get several original actors on board for the animated version.
After this initial hype, not much was told about the show. However, in a recent interview with IGN, Tom Welling and Michale Rosenbaum talked about the development of the series. Also, Tom Welling talked about how he didn’t want to spill the beans with the Cameo video. Check out the interview below.
Tom Welling: “I was being honest with that moment, and I was like literally don’t tell anybody and that person posted it like 30 seconds later. We can talk about it to an extent. Yeah, but it was my fault that I sent it to this one person…”
Michael Rosenbaum: “It’s okay, you confided in a complete stranger… but you know look it’s something that we’re passionate about, something that we love. And we’re going to obviously share it with Warner Bros. when the time is right, and hopefully we’ll be able to work with them .. that’s about all we can say right now.’
What’s Next for Smallville animated version?
Recently in DCFanDome, the original cast gathered to look back at the time of the original series as they celebrated the 20th anniversary of the show. This is a good time for Warner Bros. to put the wheels in motion for producing the animated series.
However, the series is still in the early stages of development. Also, both stars look very interested in coming together for the project. Moreover, the series will be a welcome addition to the series of DC’s projects.
The only thing that fans will be left wondering is when they will get to see the animated version of the show. Currently, the fans can expect Harley Quinn Season 3 based on the clip shown during the event. Also, the clip was used as a way to poke fun at how long it takes to make an animated show. So, it is safe to say, fans have to wait a bit longer to get Smallville animated series.
However, the fans can watch Superman and Lois season 2, and the family-friendly My Adventures with Superman. Along with this, a J.J. Abrams film is in the works and Michale Jordan’s HBO Mac movie.