In 1984, filmmaker James Cameron introduced the world to Arnold Schwarzenegger as the cybernetic assassin in The Terminator. Starting with the 1984 movie, the franchise has grown into several movies, TV shows, games, and comic series. Reports have even claimed that the Oscar-winning director is planning to reboot the constant war between Skynet’s synthetic intelligence and humanity.
Throughout the franchise, The Resistance has continuously tried to put a stop to Skynet’s attempts, only for it to come back. And a new detail about Skynet has finally revealed the reason why it keeps happening. However, it also raises a question about the whole series.
Read More: $216M Movie Gifted Arnold Schwarzenegger a Box Office Record Even Terminator Couldn’t
The Unbeatable Advantage of Arnold Schwarzenegger’s Antagonist
Throughout Arnold Schwarzenegger‘s film series, Skynet continues to send back its Terminators to eliminate their threat, and a new detail about the antagonist of the sci-fi action franchise has revealed why this saga has been going on since the very first movie.
Frank Miller and Walt Simonson’s RoboCop versus The Terminator #1 reveals that RoboCop was the one who initiated the development of artificial intelligence and was also the blueprint for the Terminators. Accordingly, a resistance fighter attempts to end the root cause of Skynet, RoboCop, by traveling back in time.
The resistance fighter successfully kills the RoboCop and prevents Skynet from ever existing. However, Skynet is able to feel the changes in the timeline and sends some of its Terminators back in time to kill the resistance fighter before she finishes RoboCop.
The crossover between RoboCop and Terminator has confirmed that Skynet has the ability to sense the changes in the timeline and makes sure to avoid any incident that could have severe circumstances for itself and ensure its survival.
Skynet’s Ability Makes it Inevitable
The Terminator series follows humanity’s battle against Skynet, a self-aware artificial intelligent defense network from the future. Throughout the franchise, Sarah Conner tries to defeat the Terminators sent from the future in an attempt to prevent the fall of humanity.
However, as it is confirmed that Skynet has the ability to detect the changes taking place throughout the timeline, it certainly gives the upper hand to the antagonist in every aspect. No matter what Sarah Conner or The Resistance does, it would be impossible for them to defeat Skynet as it can easily sense the alterations in history and would stop such happening.
Earlier reports have suggested that James Cameron has been working on a new Terminator movie for a while. And it would be interesting to see if the potential future projects would continue to follow the established pattern or introduce innovative ways for humanity to tackle Skynet’s invincibility.
Source: Screenrant