The infamous defamation lawsuit revolving around Johnny Depp and his ex-wife, Amber Heard shocked the world. The six-week trial not only went through an intense interrogation on both sides but it also unraveled an extreme aftermath that took months to finally quiet down. Now, that the former has moved on from his past, it seems like the latter is planning to make a move by sharing her narrative with the world.
As per the recent reports by RadarOnline, the Aquaman actress is considering going for an all-tell memoir to share her story after facing defeat in the last year’s defamation lawsuit.
Amber Heard to Reveal Her Truth in Her Memoir
The outlet reported that the 37-year-old actress, Amber Heard is planning “sharing her truth” to the world through her memoir. It would be going to throw light on what she went through after a publicized defamation battle with her ex-husband, Johnny Depp.
A source reported to the outlet that the actress would cover from what she went through in her turbulent marriage with the latter to the aftermath of the defamation lawsuit. She refuses to accept her defeat which could be why she is considering writing a memoir that would narrate her story.
The source told, “She won’t be silenced” adding, “She feels she was treated very badly during the trial.”
It was well known that Heard had to face extreme criticism after she lost the court war which would be why “she feels like she’s the victim here.” The insider mentioned that she was fed up with being branded a “liar” by trolls especially the fact that her ex has gone back to his normal star life.
Amber Heard Lost The Defamation Lawsuit
The former couple were married for two years till 2017. Heard filed for divorce in 2016 citing irreconcilable differences. Days later, she was granted a temporary domestic violence restraining order against her former beau which shocked the world. After reaching a $7 million divorce settlement, they finalized their divorce in 2017.
Source: Radar Online