Sex Education is a British series made for Netflix which follows the life of the students, staff, and parents of a fictional school named, Moordale Secondary School. It follows their lives and the issues that they face, which often include matters related to sexual intimacy. It has had three seasons up till now and is set for a fourth season. The cast of the show includes Asa Butterfield, Gillian Anderson, Ncuti Gatwa, Emma Mackey, Connor Swindells, and Kedar Williams-Stirling, among others.
Recently, a news surfaced that the fourth season of the show would not feature Patricia Allison As Ola. Fans took to Twitter to express their feelings about this.
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Sex Education Season 4 Will Not Have Patricia Allison As Ola
The news that star Patricia Allison would not be returning for season 4 of Sex Education was sourced from @CapitalXTRA.
The actress played the character Ola Nyman, who was Jakob’s pansexual daughter. A fourth season of the successful show was announced in September of 2021 and alas, Patricia Allison would not be a part of the show. The show is massively popular and has won several awards. It has been appreciated and praised by critics as well as fans.
Related: Main Characters From ‘Sex Education’ Ranked As Per Their Meanness
Fans React to This News
Fans on Twitter reacted to this news. Check out a few reactions:
While fans are surely excited about the fourth season of the show, the news of Patricia Allison not returning in the next season might dampen the excitement of some. What do you think of this news? Let us know your opinion in the comments section below.
Sex Education can be streamed on Netflix
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