Shang-Chi star Simu Liu has managed to make his mark in the MCU and also make headlines months after the release. The MCU is going to take Shang-Chi for more adventures and his future seems bright. But as we know, Marvel actors are famously known for taking props from the sets and revealing about it later in the future. Well, it looks like it didn’t work out well for Simu Liu. The actor revealed that he was about to steal something but the security stopped him! Check it out!
Simu Liu Was Going To Take A Piece Of Shang-Chi Costume, But Couldn’t
Simu Liu has recently revealed that there was a particular piece of the Shang-Chi costume that he wanted to keep, but couldn’t. As seen in the movie, the actor wore a pair of Air Jordans in the latter part of the movie which he reportedly wanted to keep. However, it didn’t go as planned. Complex reported that Simu Liu said:
“It’s super rare. Yeah, I begged the production to let me keep the shoes after. They were like, ‘No fricking way in hell.’ They basically had security watching me putting the shoes on and wearing the shoes back to my trailer. They’re just like, ‘Don’t you dare take that.’ But yeah, I thought those were great. I wish those got a little bit more screen time. I hope that Shaun will be a representative for all the sneakerheads out there. Hopefully, we’ll get to see that not just with his costume but just in what he wears in everyday life, you know? Hopefully, we see him wearing some more heat.”
The entire incident is straight-up funny and one can totally feel bad for the actor. In the past, many actors have taken stuff from the sets such as Chris Evans taking the Captain America shield, and Chris Hemsworth literally has like 5 Thor hammers with him! It’s sad that Simu couldn’t get what he wanted and it looks like the actor might try to take the shoes once again. Or maybe Marvel should give it to him, no?