The recent press tour for The Batman by Robert Pattinson was as tumultuous as we’ve come to expect from the quirky British actor. He is known for making bizarre stories in interviews and admits to lying on a frequent basis. As a result, any Robert Pattinson story that emerges or resurfaces should be seasoned with a grain of salt.
One of the oldest Pattinson rumors is that during the height of his Twilight success, a fan camped outside his apartment in Spain, where he was filming Little Ashes, a film in which he plays Salvador Dali. He claims the fan waited for three weeks outside.
How did Robert Pattinson get rid of the stalker?
Instead of calling the cops or barricading the doors, Robert Pattinson decided to go out to dinner with her because he was “so bored and lonely.” This may seem like a dream for a Twi-hard, but it didn’t exactly go as planned for the stalker.
He revealed that the fan took him to her parent’s restaurant, but he still had to pay! “I complained about everything in my life for about two hours, and then she gave me the bill,” he explained. “I had to pay for it, and she was never back outside my apartment ever again.”
Robert Pattinson deserves credit for shattering the unfortunate fan’s illusion of him in the least painful way possible. But we also need to give a hand to the stalker because the preceding bad dinner date supposedly occurred at her parent’s restaurant.
This may be another one of Robert Pattinson’s fictional tales
Given Robert Pattinson’s tendency to conjure up strange fictional stories when speaking to the media, we should take this story with a grain of salt, but we really want to believe it since it’s hilarious and serves as an excellent reminder to overzealous fans that reality is vastly different from the imagination.
Bat-fans were ecstatic to see strange reclusive emo take on Bruce Wayne in the most current rendition of the caped crusader, which became a box office hit. Pattinson’s fame has definitely increased again now that he’s Batman, and we’re eager to see how he manages to fight the clown prince of Gotham in the upcoming sequels.
The Batman is available to stream on HBO Max.
Source: The Digital Fix