Where audiences eagerly await a series or a superhero film, Robert Downey Jr. is planning to recreate a pre-existing movie. Recently, during an interview, the Iron Man star revealed that he is planning to remake Alfred Hitchcock’s Vertigo. The psychological thriller film is a classic of its time, and it’s indeed a risk to remake a masterpiece.
However, Downey is optimistic about his vision for recreating the film. The actor has yet to carry forward the idea of the film; however, he discussed what inspired him to remake the film. The 1958 original film starred James Stewart in the lead role.
Robert Downey Jr. wants to remake a classic film
After the great success of Oppenheimer, Robert Downey Jr. proceeds with his endeavor. The actor has certainly got a big idea for a project, as he is planning to remake a classic. Where many great filmmakers refrain from recreating an existing masterpiece, Downey is confident that he can remake the 1958 film Vertigo with his vision. During an interview, the actor said,
“First of all, who would our partners be in it? Love them, respect them. Second of all, let me reread the original synopsis. I think we can do better.”
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More details regarding the remake are yet to come; however, Downey shed light on his vision of the film and discussed what inspired him to recreate the classic. The Marvel star said,
“I have been rock climbing before and gotten stuck in that panic freeze, and if not for the sheer embarrassment, I would have asked to have been hoisted off that rock. I lost my confidence in my positioning, the drop was too far, and my body reacted. It wasn’t fight-or-flight; it was freeze-and-about-to-faint.
I’ll never forget it, and it made me think there are cinematic devices that have yet to be fully utilized that I think would provide an experience in trying to say, ‘What does it feel like to be psychologically silly with fear over something that should be manageable?’ That might be entertaining.”
Downey elucidated his plan for recreating Vertigo. The actor asserted that he wouldn’t hamper the plot of the original film, which depicted the nausea effect. To achieve the vertigo effect, the director of the film, Alfred Hitchcock, used a dolly camera zoom that kept the foreground position still, and the background slowly faded away with the camera’s vision.
Robert Downey Jr.’s dedication to the film
Amidst certain doubts about whether the recreated version of the film would serve justice to the original film or not, Robert Downey Jr. is adamant about making the film. It was announced in March 2023 that Downey and his wife, Susan Downey, would produce a remake of Hitchcock’s film.
The original film Vertigo is a mystery-thriller film based on the 1954 novel D’entre les morts. The premise of the film revolves around a former police detective who suffers from an intense fear of heights and vertigo. Hitchcock’s compelling masterpiece features some of the most legendary actors of their time. The film stars James Stewart, Kim Novak, Tom Helmore, and Barbara Bel Geddes.
Source: The New York Times