#RestoreTheSnyderverse: Zack Snyder Must Make Justice League 2 (Because Hollywood Is At a Crossroads)

They said he was a madman. That his vision for something iconic was too radical. It was too dark for our tastes. Some labelled him whimsical, crazy even. He was called names, all sorts of names. They hurled abuses at him. The man bore it all. Not once did he flinch. He was shamed for his take on Superman in Man Of Steel. He was shunned for his polarizing masterpiece that was Batman V Superman: Dawn Of Justice. Even the Studio started bending over due to the enormous pressure. His greatest project was taken away from him and turned into an abomination. Three years later, Zack Snyder returned.

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Another set of fans, the ones that worshipped him, started raising their voices. As people forgot Snyder, this certain section of the fan base ensured they kept screaming. In the end, the Studio relented. A collective effort of epic proportions turned the tide. Snyder’s vision came to fruition with Zack Snyder’s Justice League. The culmination of all his hard work was finally seeing the light of day.

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It was beautiful. It was incredible. It was…….the end of the Snyderverse.

Zack Snyder’s Justice League 2 gave us everything. For 4 nearly 4 hours, it thoroughly entertained us. To see such a masterpiece go with that enigmatic an ending, you realize there was a greater story to tell. This story will no longer see the light of day. The struggle ladies and gentlemen, is not at all over. We are just getting started.

Also Read: Zack Snyder’s Justice League: 20 Hilarious Twitter Reactions To The Snyder Cut

For too long, the idea of a sequel to a blockbuster movie has grappled the highest echelons of Hollywood. The movie making industry creates a magnum opus, then milks the masterpiece dry with a series of cascading failures. There are so many examples that we have lost count. Movies like alien, The Terminator, and the Die Hard franchise are going through a never-ending cycle of creative face-palms. The more we look at the successors, the more we barf and weep.

Hollywood works on a simple formula – make a winning formula and stick to it. It may have run its course but as long as it draws crowds, you keep moving forward. More and more projects under the same banner materialize and you end up creating a Frankenstein’s Monster. The only movie franchises that have managed to escape that curse are the Marvel cinematic Universe. But it too is wrought with too many problems.

Why The MCU Represents Everything Hollywood Should Not Be!!

You may call it evolution of the film industry. You may call it the new status quo and we should just deal with it. But whether you like it or not, fate will run its course with MCU the same way it did for The Pirates Of The Caribbean or The Poltergeist franchise. All things come to an end. If Hollywood tries to beat a dead horse too much, it won’t run. It will smell. The stench has not reached the MCU yet. But nobody said Marvel Studios is infallible. Nobody can guarantee that they will not fall into the same trap literally every other major studio has fallen into.

In the end, they will indeed run out of ideas. Even the great MCU will one day start rehashing itself in the likes of despicable franchises that were once legendary just like it. The never-ending creative facepalm is a vicious cycle that knows no end. And the Marvel cinematic Universe is doing nothing to curb it. In fact, it is fanning the flames.

Zack Snyder Represents A Phase Of Hollywood Lost To Time

This might raise eyebrows. But we kind of agree with Martin Scorsese’s statement. The guy may be a pompous old timer but he got one thing right. The MCU is like a Cuban Cigar. It feels good during the first few times. But the more drags you take, the more addicted you become. In the end, you end up on the hospital operating table with half a lung for the rest of your life.

Zack Snyder, for better or for worse, knew that the MCU formula only looked ultra-modern. The concept of using impeccable continuity to create a perpetual money making machine is but a myth. Movies are art. And Hollywood represents the best of them all. Art needs to be finite. It needs to be rare to remain significant. Otherwise it is no longer an art. Zack Snyder’s Justice League represented a vision of a true visionary. Like any other artist, some vilified Snyder while others worshipped him. Just like a Jackson pollock painting, not many understood Snyder’s take on the DCEU. But those who did formed a cult around him.

The Snyderverse Is The Need of The Hour – To Save Hollywood

For every light there must be a shadow. For every sun, there must be a moon. We are not debating the absolute hegemony of the MCU. It has absolute control of the International Box Office. But Warner Brothers now stands as the last major studio against the Mouse House. Disney’s greatest achievement is the MCU. WB Studios must create a franchise that is strong enough to act as the opposing faction.

That is where the Snyderverse comes in.

You May Also Like: Zack Snyder: DCEU Heroes A Class Apart From MCU Heroes

Throughout time, we have had many cinematic geniuses and master storytellers that challenged the status quo. Alfred Hitchcock broke the mold with his psychological thrillers. Steven Spielberg gave us timeless classics. Christopher Nolan revolutionized storytelling. Tim Burton gave us an amazing blend of drama and horror. George Lucas started a religion.

What does Zack Snyder bring to the table? He brings back something Hollywood once excelled in but has lost it after turning in the cash cow card. Zack Snyder brings back definitive, closed loop story-telling. But more so, he brings back the value of vision and dreams. Zack Snyder’s Justice League helped us realize that every artist, no matter his or her form of expression, no matter how ostracized, has the right and ability to bring a vision to life.

What Will Warner Brothers Do Now?

There is nothing that the Studio will do until and unless the money inflow form Zack Snyder’s Justice League is so high that they are forced to retrace their steps. But they should keep in mind that by letting Snyder come back, they are not just ensuring the development of a loyal cult-classic fan base but also saving Hollywood in the process.

In the meantime, the #RestoreTheSynderverse online campaign keeps gaining traction.


Written by Bibhu Prasad Panda

With a Bachelor's in Engineering and a Master's in Marketing and Operations, Bibhu found a love for writing, working for many different websites. He joined FandomWire in July 2020 and worked his way to his current position of Content Strategist. Bibhu has been involved in operating and managing FandomWire's team of writers, diversifying into varied, exotic fields of pop culture.