Sharon Stone’s iconic performance in the film Basic Instinct propelled her to generational fame, but the actress was far from a household name when she signed on for the role. This relative anonymity worked against Stone, as she was paid significantly less than her co-star Michael Douglas due to her lack of star power at the time. And unfortunately, Stone’s financial struggles were evident when she was invited to attend the Oscars.
The actress had trouble finding an affordable dress for the prestigious event, highlighting the disparity between her newfound fame and her financial situation.
Sharon Stone recalled an incident when she was chased down the street
Portraying the seductive serial killer Catherine Tramell in Basic Instinct changed the trajectory of Sharon Stone’s career. The actress experienced an overwhelming transition, as she described in the CBC interview. One moment, she was an ordinary person, and the next, she was mobbed by fans.
However, despite her integral role, Stone received a salary that reflected Hollywood’s previous lack of faith in her abilities as an actor. In an interview with CBC Radio, Stone revealed that while Michael Douglas earned a whopping $14 million plus a share of the movie’s profits, Stone was paid a meager $500,000. As a result, she struggled to afford a dress for the Oscars, finding herself in a peculiar position—suddenly famous, yet financially challenged.
And it was then that Stone found herself in surreal situations where people would chase her down the street or climb into her car.
“It’s Friday and you’re you. Tuesday, you’re the Beatles. People are climbing all over your car. You try to walk down the street and suddenly 30 people that were shopping are running, chasing you. You’re running and locking yourself in stores, and the people are like, ‘Wait, don’t lock the door,’ and you’re like, ‘Oh, I’ll buy something. Please help me.’ Suddenly you’re in this weird chase.”
Although Stone had been acting since the early ’80s, her career had not gained much recognition. In fact, she received a Golden Raspberry Award nomination for Worst Actress for her role in the Indiana Jones parody Allan Quatermain and the Lost City of Gold. Stone wasn’t the first choice for Basic Instinct, as several A-list actors turned down the role due to the controversial subject matter. Director Paul Verhoeven ultimately selected Stone after they collaborated on Total Recall.
Sharon Stone opened up on how her situation did not allow her to hire security
Unable to afford private security, Stone sought support from Shirley MacLaine, who was contacted by Stone’s chiropractor. MacLaine, being part of the Rat Pack and having experienced similar situations, offered guidance and helped Stone come to terms with the mass hysteria surrounding her life. MacLaine’s empathy and shared experiences provided the solace Stone needed during this tumultuous time.
“I needed someone who understood that I needed to sit on the floor, and be in my bare feet, and just have someone talk to me like a human being. Here’s this woman, who was the only woman who was part of the Rat Pack, and she told me all about what happened to her, what it was like, and how it went. It wasn’t like she gave me specific advice, per se. She just told me, this is what happens, this is how it goes.”
Despite the initial financial struggles and overwhelming fame, Sharon Stone managed to leverage her heightened profile to her advantage. As of now, according to Celebrity Net Worth, Sharon Stone’s net worth is estimated to be $60 million, a testament to her resilience and subsequent success in the industry. Her talent and tenacity have solidified her status as an enduring figure in the entertainment world.
Source: CBC Radio