Samuel L. Jackson has been portraying the role of Nick Fury in the Marvel Cinematic Universe since he first portrayed the character in Iron Man back in 2008. The American actor has performed the role in multiple Marvel movies and series over the decade and most recently reprised his role in Marvel’s Television mini-series, Secret Invasions.
Secret Invasions follows the plot where Nick Fury is working with Talos to uncover a conspiracy organized by a group of rogue Skrulls. Only 3 episodes of the series have been released so far but some fans are a bit disappointed with the series. According to them, the plot of the series seems to be a bit reworked to not make it into a full-fledged Captain Marvel sequel movie.
Fans claim that the plot of Secret Invasion is just a reworked version of the Captain Marvel sequel
The Skrulls were first introduced in the Captain Marvel movie where it was revealed that the species were just a victim of an intergalactic war and not a threat as such. In the movie, Samuel L. Jackson‘s character, Nick Fury, and the leader of the Skrulls, Talos fought side by side and became comrades. Since the characters were first introduced in the Brie Larson movie, some fans have argued that the plot of the series feels like it has just been reworked a bit from the plot of the Captain Marvel 2 movie. One fan took to Twitter and wrote,
“It’s PAINFULLY obvious that Secret Invasion was supposed to be Captain Marvel 2 and they just reworked the script and turned it into a series without Carol..”
Some other fans also agreed with the user and said that is also Carol Danvers’ fight as she had also helped the Skrulls take refuge on the planet Earth.
However, most of the fans disagreed with this opinion as they argued that Carol Danvers has not been around for almost 20 years so why should this be ‘her fight‘?
Despite a few negative feedbacks, most fans and critics have praised the series for its well-deserved screentime of Samuel L. Jackson and the intriguing plot of the series.
Samuel L. Jackson talks about reprising his role as Nick Fury in Secret Invasion
Although he has been portraying the role of Nick Fury for almost 15 years now, Samuel L. Jackson once revealed in an interview with EW that he is getting to know a lot of new things about his character while filming for Secret Invasion. He said,
“There are things that even I really didn’t know about Nick Fury that I just found out. The minds behind what happened during the Blip are fantastic. That’s part of what we’re uncovering when we do this series now. [It’s] giving me an opportunity to explore something other than the badassery of who Nick Fury is. I’ve had a good time doing that, and I’m looking forward to people sharing that aspect of who he is when this series does happen.”
The first episode of Secret Invasion was released last month and the series has been receiving positive reviews from fans and critics so far. Three episodes of the series have been released as of yet and are currently streaming on Disney+.