Christopher Nolan’s upcoming biographical thriller delves into the intriguing world of J. Robert Oppenheimer, the physicist known as the “father of the atomic bomb.” Starring an exceptional ensemble cast including Cillian Murphy, Matt Damon, Robert Downey Jr., Emily Blunt, and Florence Pugh has also added to the eagerness of film enthusiasts. The anticipation has only grown after its box office clash with Greta Gerwig’s Barbie and Tom Cruise’s Mission Impossible.
However, apart from that, it has now become a subject of controversy ahead of its release due to the age gap between Murphy and Pugh, who star opposite each other in the upcoming movie.
Cillian Murphy Reveals Oppenheimer Has Multiple Explicit Scenes
Christopher Nolan‘s upcoming movie, Oppenheimer stars Cillian Murphy as the lead alongside an incredible cast, which also includes the English actress Florence Pugh. The Marvel star portrays the character of Jean Tatlock, a psychiatrist who was known to have a romantic relationship with the physicist.
The Peaky Blinders star has also revealed that there are some explicit scenes between him and the Little Women actress, which also include extended n*dity scenes. During an interview with The Guardian, Murphy shared that he cannot reveal too much about it due to the strict restrictions.
But he did share that the movie features “prolonged nudity scenes” with his co-star Florence Pugh. Not just Pugh, he shared that the movie also features “pretty heavy” scenes with Emily Blunt, who plays his wife in the movie Katherine Oppenheimer.
While people have not raised questions over his and Blunt’s explicit scenes, they are not happy with Pugh starring opposite Cillian Murphy, as they have a twenty-year age gap. And it has now become a controversial topic among netizens as they share their opinion on social media.
Oppenheimer Gets Surrounded By a Controversy
The age gap between the co-stars Cillian Murphy and Florence Pugh has become a hot topic of conversation among netizens. Many have raised objections over the age gap for their respective roles and relationship in the movie.
While there are also people who have defended the movie, saying that it depicts their characters. Several Twitter users also mentioned how the Don’t Worry Darling star is known to be in a relationship with actor and filmmaker Zach Braff, who is 21 years older than her. The two broke things off last year.
People also explained that Murphy plays the character of J. Robert Oppenheimer at different ages, and it has caused controversy, as it would have been inconvenient to cast multiple actors to play the same character at different ages. The filmmaker or the cast has not said anything about the issue yet.
Oppenheimer is set to release on 21 July 2023.
Source: Screenrant