Back to the Future was an iconic movie that created an era of movies that have lasted to this day. The movie is about Marty McFly, a high school student who is thrown 30 years into the past and is forced to find a way back to his timeline. The 17-year-old boy is brave and clever and goes through immense character development and growth. He has surely become an incredibly memorable character.
So, after news spread on the internet about the idea of a possible reboot for the cult-classic movie franchise, many have speculated what this rendition could look like. Michael J. Fox, the actor who played Marty himself, went on to Variety magazine to express his opinions on the subject.
Who Could Play Marty McFly in the Reboot of Back to the Future?
With the possibility of this new version of Back to the Future, many fans have wondered what it would look like in terms of story. Many do not wish for it to be a copy of the original and instead change the story and characters but have the basic premise. But the bigger question that arises is, who will play the protagonist? The personality of Marty is difficult to take on by any actor as he is a very unique character and it would be very difficult to embody his essence in the same way Michael J. Fox did. So who would be perfect in the role and be able to live up to these expectations?
“He has that charisma, that energy, and I’ve always seen similarities between him and Michael J. Fox in BTTF” said a fan on Twitter.
Tom Holland has played many iconic roles including Peter Parker in the Spider-Man series and Nathan Drake in the Uncharted movie. He is an extraordinary actor who truly works well as a kind, quick-witted, and convivial personality. He would be perfect to play the protagonist, Marty Mcfly.
How do Fans Feel About Tom Holland as Marty For a Possible Reboot?
After news broke out about the possible reboot of the series, fans quickly took to Twitter to discuss their views on the matter. Many were completely opposed to the idea, stating that the reboots tend to ruin the originals and never live up to the expectations that fans put on them. However, many were not aversive to the possibility, if a certain actor were to play the protagonist.
Tom Holland was put forth by fans as the top contender to play Marty McFly. This is how others reacted on Twitter.
Many went on to say that they can see the essence of Marty in Holland’s performance as Peter Parker and had been waiting for this. Though fans do not wish for there to be a reboot as the original was perfect on its own, they cannot deny that the Spider-Man actor would be perfect casting and would give justice to the character.
Source: Twitter