Star Wars is a beloved science fiction franchise, created by George Lucas, that has captured the imaginations of viewers across the globe. Over the years, the franchise has expanded with several sequels, prequels, spin-offs, and much more. The franchise builds an engaging universe that has become a cultural phenomenon. Set in a time of intergalactic conflict, the multimedia franchise has been successful to engage viewers in the long run. However, the hit franchise is now struggling with its latest productions as recent polls state that the new Star Wars movie is not being liked by fans.
Fans Are Disappointed By The New Star Wars Movie
Star Wars has become a household name and has influenced pop culture in countless ways, from iconic lightsabers to memorable musical scores. The franchise in its decades-long run has torn across generations to startle the viewers with its amusing space war stories. But it looks like the legacy of Star Wars may end soon as the recent polls suggest that the common mass believes that the new movies of the franchise fail to deliver the same impact as their predecessors.
The latest poll revealed that only 22% of Americans out of 1069 survey samples, feel that the new movies of Star Wars are better than the original ones. The majority of the sample i.e, 31% felt that new movies are worse than the old ones. The data clearly indicates that the new Star Wars movies have failed to engage the viewers, unlike the original series. If one breaks down the data collected in age groups, then it was evident that people of the age group 40-64 believed that new movies of the franchise are worse than the original ones, highlighting the fact that long-time fans of the franchise are disappointed with the recent movies.
The Downfall Of The Star Wars Sequel Trilogy
The sequel trilogy may have grossed billions across the globe but there was a significant dip after every installment. After The Last Jedi, the global gross declined by 19.4%, while the domestic gross declined by 17%. The gross decline from The Force Awakens to The Rise of Skywalker stands at 33.7% and 48% at domestic and global levels respectively.
The multimedia franchise is surely struggling to deliver high-quality movies to engage viewers. The makers of the show need to take active action in order to bring back the lost glory of the franchise. Despite the recent disappointment, fans of the franchise are hoping for a comeback with the upcoming films.
Source: Rasmussen Reports