Several fan theories about this fictional character of ‘Star Wars’ franchise have been around for quite some time. Since the arrival of Sir Alec Guinness as Obi-Wan Kenobi, these theories have been goofing around for over 40 years. The prequel trilogy has made the fans grow their ideas into some believable severe thoughts. Amongst tons of them, we have created a list that includes the most acceptable ones.
1. The reason for Obi-Wan and Anakin dual’s ending is ‘The high Ground’. Fan theories about this topic never really stop! Thus, this is the legitimate reason why ‘The High Ground’ would be so crucial at that moment between these dualists.
2. Many people (who aren’t a fan of Kenobi) think hiding Luke on Vader’s homeworld was a plot hole. However, the fans of Obi-Wan differ from them. They think it was absolutely a brilliant move as Obi-Wan knew Vader was terrified of Tatooine and would never set foot on Tatooine.
3. Obi-Wan Kenobi thinks Stromtroppers are as good as the clone soldiers when they’re not.
4. Wan wasn’t lying when he said he never owned a Droid. He certainly wasn’t.
5. We believe the numerous lightsaber battles portrayed in the Star Wars films, the one that tends to garner the most laughs and not counted as the best-depicted fight.
6. Obi-Wan wasn’t just protecting Luke. He was there to monitor him and to make sure Luke doesn’t become the next Vadar.
7. We assume that Vader has at least had a suspicion of becoming one with the force, it brings much more context to Vader awkwardly pushing around the robe after Obi-Wan disappeared.
8. There goes another fan theory which is, Obi wan is hiding not from the empire but the rebellion.
9. Kenobi was the most potent force user during episode I, II, III, IV, and Palpatine knew it
10. One of the most commonly ridiculed parts of the prequels is Obi Wan’s claim that the duel on Mustafar was over because he had the high-ground despite that never being a deciding element in a lightsaber fight.
11. The reason the sand people are so scared of Obi-Wan in the IV episode
12. Obi-Wan wasn’t a hermit
13. Kenobi was already dead when he faced Vader in ‘A New Hope.
14. Vader mentions a “tremor in the force.” This feeling was caused by the reunion of his son Luke with his daughter Leia, not by Obi-Wan.
15. The reason why Obi-Wan told Vader that he would become more potent in Death
16. Obi-Wan Kenobi aged so terribly because he was using the force to save Luke and himself from the Empire
17. Obi-Wan is highly mentally unwell and using his force powers to keep himself in check
18. R2-D2 doesn’t remember Darth Vader or Obi-Wan or anything from the prequels because it’s not his function
19. Dooku knew that the Republic’s corruption was so endemic that no amount of reform was ever going to fix it.
20. Darth planed various things to say to Obi-Wan as Darth Vader during his first encounter with Kenobi