Ever since Elon Musk took complete control of Twitter, the social media platform’s revenue has been on a tumultuous ride, with huge companies pulling their ads from the site and people switching to different apps for not wanting to support the SpaceX CEO. And all this while, the business magnate has been lamenting the apparent disruption of “free speech in America” and how “activist groups” are coercing advertisers to stop posting ads on Twitter.
It turns out that the same has become his mantra now.
Recently, Apple seems to have put a pause on advertising on Twitter and has reportedly withheld the app from its App Store as well, something which isn’t sitting all too well with the app’s owner as he tweeted about it all being a violation of free speech, yet again.
But while Elon Musk is displeased by Apple’s move, Marvel star Mark Ruffalo has been all about encouraging it.
Mark Ruffalo Shows Support to Apple for Pulling Ads from Twitter
After Apple hit the breaks on advertising on Twitter, an agitated Elon Musk tweeted about it, asking rhetorically if they “hate free speech in America.”
Mark Ruffalo Expresses His Disapproval Against Elon Musk
This is certainly not the first time that the Zodiac star has voiced his reproach concerning the CEO of Twitter about his seemingly irresponsible behavior and lack of insight when it comes to handling “this kind of business.”
About ten days ago, when news surfaced about Musk shutting down Twitter offices without either informing the employees or giving a justification behind it all, Ruffalo went over to the social media platform and called the founder of OpenAl a dictator.
“Dear @ElonMusk, it’s not like people didn’t try to warn you. You simply don’t know how to run this kind of business. Dictators are over.”
However, the MCU star isn’t the only one openly bashing Musk and what are believed to be his relatively poor business tactics with various other celebrities like Ryan Reynolds and Stephen King, to name a few, criticising the 51-year-old without not qualms at all.
Looks like Musk really needs to get things in order sooner than later.
Source: Twitter