The saying ‘rejection is just redirection’ couldn’t be more apt when reflecting on the journey of actor Robert Pattinson. His breakthrough role in the Harry Potter series, which catapulted him to fame, resulted from the actor not making the final cut for the movie Vanity Fair. The actor was absolutely in utter shock and humiliation after learning his part was cut entirely out in the screening in front of hundreds of audience, had no idea the casting director of the 2004 movie had something more exciting planned for him.
Interestingly, years later, the actor found himself discussing the snub situation with the media outlet named Vanity Fair and further elaborated on how he actually landed his role in Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire.
Robert Pattinson Was Once Cut Out of a Movie Without Any Warning
After eagerly attending the screening of his first job in a movie called Vanity Fair, Robert Pattinson was taken aback to discover that he had completely been cut out from the final product. While the experience was undeniably humiliating at the time, years later, he understood why it happened in the first place. Now, that the very incident has found its place in his collection of ‘funny stories’, it serves as a lighthearted anecdote from his early days in the industry.
Ironically while speaking with Vanity Fair, the actor describe what had exactly happened to him when he arrived at the screening of Vanity Fair. He explained,
“[Tom Sturridge] and I . . . we had scenes right next to each other and it was both our first jobs.… We went to the screening, and we thought the whole thing was such a joke anyway, because we had no idea what we were doing. We were, like, ‘acting’ or whatever—we had no idea—and we watched [Tom’s] scene and were like, ‘Yeah, that’s pretty good, that’s all right.’”
But then when his turn to see himself on the big screen arrived, well, it never did, that’s what shocked him the most. The actor found out that none of his scenes made it into the final cut for the movie, and nobody notified him about it either. He further continued saying,
“I’m sitting there going, ‘Ummm . . . really?’ No one had told me that I had been cut out.”
But luckily enough, the casting director of the 2004 movie, was also working on a little movie from the Harry Potter franchise at that time and had other plans for Pattinson.
How Robert Pattinson Landed His Role in Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire
The actor confessed it was the direct result of the casting director feeling guilty about his role being cut from Vanity Fair. The casting director then arranged a meeting between Mike Newell and Pattinson, and after that brief 30-minute meeting, the actor regained his confidence so much, that he did not waste any time in broadcasting the news of his getting the role of Cedric Diggory, although nothing was yet confirmed.
However, this time around, Robert Pattinson actually was successful. Although a small role within the franchise, the impact it had on the audience, cemented his name in the industry. After the success of the movie, the actor finally decided it was time for him to move out of his parent’s house and start pursuing his dream seriously and the rest is history.
Source: Vanity Fair