Priyanka Chopra Jonas recently opened up about the struggles she had as a Bollywood actress. Citadel, her most recent thriller series alongside Richard Madden, was released on Amazon Prime in April. The audience praised and adored the actress’s performance yet again.
Chopra Jonas built a reputation for herself via hard work, but she recently addressed all of the frustrating and depressing times she encountered during her Bollywood career.
Priyanka Chopra Jonas revealed how she was dehumanized on a film set
Priyanka Chopra Jonas is one of the industry’s most outspoken, bold, and fiery actors. The 40-year-old has always spoken her mind and never shied away from being herself. Chopra Jonas’ latest interview startled many of her fans and followers when she disclosed how she was treated in the Bollywood industry at one point. She also discussed the unequal treatment that she received there.
The Baywatch actress talked about her past filming experience with a director. As she recalled about the incident, she said,
“I’m undercover, I’m seducing the guy obviously that’s what girls do when they’re undercover. But I’m seducing the guy and you have to take off one piece of clothing at a time. I wanted to layer up. The filmmaker was like, ‘No, I need to see her underwear. Otherwise, why is anybody coming to watch this movie?’”
She further added,
“He didn’t say it to me; he said it to the stylist in front of me. It was such a dehumanizing moment. It was a feeling of, I’m nothing else outside of how I can be used, my art is not important, what I contribute is not important.”
Chopra Jonas stated how it became difficult for her to even look at the unnamed director after what he said. She stated that she quit the film after two days and returned the money to the production.
Dwayne Johnson helped Priyanka Chopra Jonas with her Hollywood movie Debut
The actress from Love Again is thriving in Hollywood. She is working on several exciting projects. Baywatch was Chopra Jonas’s Hollywood debut. She was a new addition to the Western industry, but she was fortunate to meet Dwayne Johnson, who assisted her in landing her first movie job in Hollywood. During an interview, Johnson stated about the 40-year-old actress,
“I love this woman, it’s funny when she came to America… She was over here, signed with our agency, with my agent, we immediately had that connection. We got on the phone, we immediately vibed, we share the same DNA, the same ambition… Not only did I fall in love with her, but we also had this crazy idea that she would be an amazing villain on Baywatch.”
The Rock and Chopra Jonas have a great friendship. They are always rooting for each other, and have often said that they enjoyed working together.
Source: PEOPLE; First Sportz