Eddie Murphy’s former Scary Spice partner, Mel B, had recently filed papers asking for child support from the actor for their daughter, Angel Iris Murphy Brown. The papers which have gone through after two years will now find the actor paying $35,000 to Mel B every month. Eddie Murphy, a father of 10 children, had previously paid $25,000 monthly in terms of financial support, but the amount was increased in light of Mel B’s claims of suffering through a change in income.
Mel B Seeks Recompense In Child Support Money
A former Spice Girl, Melanie Brown, professionally known as Mel B, had engaged in a brief romance with Hollywood A-lister and comedian Eddie Murphy in 2006. Their daughter, Angel Iris was born in April 2007, preceding which Murphy had questioned the child’s paternity. On June 2007, after Mel B sued Murphy over child support, the court-ordered DNA test led to Murphy acknowledging Angel Iris’ parentage. He later agreed to pay financial child support including bearing the cost of pregnancy, after reaching a settlement of $7 million with Mel B.
Also read: Eddie Murphy Returning To Stand-Up Comedy For Charity Event
However, the courtroom drama was still to see the end of the day as 13 years later, Mel B filed papers in court citing a dramatic decrease in her income. The court has now ordered the Coming To America actor to pay $35,000 as paternity payout every month to Mel B until Angel Iris reaches the age of 18. The payouts will be done retrospectively, beginning in October 2021. These payments also include bearing the $10,000 in legal fees which Eddie Murphy will be required to pay.
Eddie Murphy Fans Gawk at $35,000 Worth of Child Support
The immense figure that actor Eddie Murphy will be paying up on the first of every month to Mel B is worth questioning. The court has stated,
“The parties agree that Respondent (Murphy) is an extraordinarily high earner. The amount of child support set forth hereinbelow has been calculated based on the reasonable needs of the minor child…Commencing October 1, 2021, as and for child support for the benefit of Angel, Respondent shall pay to Petitioner the sum of $35,000 per month. Child support shall be payable via wire transfer, and shall be due on the first calendar day of each month.”
On the other hand, the Eddie Murphy fan club has a different bone to pick.
Angel Iris Murphy Brown is currently 15 years old, and the eighth of Murphy’s 10 children. His eldest son, Eric is currently 32 while his youngest, Max is 3.
Source: The Daily Mail