Join a diverse and professional team of entertainment fans dedicated to delivering content to millions! This is a PAID POSITION, please contact us for payment details. This is not exclusively open to U.S. or Canadian residents, but it is preferred. Please read ALL the details of the position that we have listed below. Thank you!


  • Articles must be original, and a minimum of 300 words with all SEO and organizational details completed as instructed.
  • Must be proficient with English (U.S. preferred) grammar and punctuation.
  • Basic understanding of WordPress.
  • Be able to write a minimum of one news article per day and/or three editorial/list articles per week.
  • Have proficient communication skills.
  • Meet the formatting requirements set by the editors.


  • Receive pay for each published article you’ve written. (At the end of every month)
  • Eligible for free access to various events including but not limited to conventions, press junkets, press screenings, as well as movie and tv premieres.
  • Exposure as well as experience to further your career in journalism.
  • It’s fun!