Netflix’s One Piece Live Action Test Screening Reportedly a Slaughterfest of Bad CGI, Nonsensical Story

Netflix's One Piece Live Action Test Screening Reportedly a Slaughterfest of Bad CGI, Nonsensical Story

One Piece is one of the most popular anime series that has been running for over two decades. The epic adventure of Monkey D. Luffy and the Straw Hat Pirates has captured the hearts of millions of fans around the globe. The anime series is known for its outstanding storytelling, action, humor, and emotional moments that are loved by fans of all ages.

One Piece
One Piece

The show continues to gain millions of fans and as a result, a live-action series was announced in 2020 based on Eiichiro Oda’s manga series of the same name. While some fans of the series felt that it was a good idea, others called it a horrible idea due to Netflix’s earlier adaptations of anime series like Death Note, Bleach and Cowboy Bebop were all a disaster. Recently, a trusted scoper from Hollywood tells that the CGI in One Piece was abominable, and fans were not surprised about it.

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The First Impressions of One Piece’s Live-Action Series

When the announcement of the live-action series of Eiichiro Oda’s One Piece was announced, it was met with a lot of criticism by anime and manga fans. Recently, Divinity Seeker gave a scoop on the test screening of the live-action series by Netflix, where they stated that the show “tested horribly,” as the CGI was horrible and the story of One Piece made no sense to the casual viewers, hence every episode of the Netflix adaptation are being rewritten.

In a series of tweets, Divinity Seeker stated that the first episode of the series heavily deviated from the source material. The first half of the episode was full of flashbacks of a young Monkey D. Luffy, and the other half of the episode quickly introduced the viewers to the first four crewmates of the Straw Hat Pirates.

The scooper continued that his source stated that the tone of the show is not working for them, and the looks of the cast were different from the original characters which added to the difficulty of the live-action series, making it inconsistent. And the Baratie restaurant would be featured in the third episode of the series.

However, he acknowledged that he does not know anything about the original show, and from what he saw from the test screening looked fine to him, but some of them had unnatural hair color.

While the first test screening failed to meet the expectations of the creators, they are making changes so that it can add to the popularity of the anime and manga series. But is a live-action One Piece series possible that features authentic characters and a story true to the source material?

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The One Piece Adaptation Has Already Raised Concerns

The idea of the live-action adaptation of Eiichiro Oda’s One Piece was already bad news, and numerous fans of the show were unsure if the OTT platform could pull off a successful adaptation of the series. But there were serious concerns as if not made correctly, it would infuriate the fans of the manga and anime series.

The Straw Hat Pirates

One Piece is an anime that features a complex and layered plot, that has been running since 1999, due to the show’s unique art style and intricate plot building which has kept its audience engrossed for over two decades. Having the same art style in the live-action series would be difficult and even if creators use CGI to achieve the same art style, it would be difficult to give the charm and charisma as the manga or anime.

Luffy vs Doflamingo

The show also features unique body features of certain characters, while most of the Straw Hat Pirates look like normal human beings but characters like Franky the Cyborg, and Brook have unique body features which are easy to be created in anime but it would look cartoonish in a live-action series. Moreover, all the Straw Hat Pirates have a unique charm to them, which can not be replicated in the One Piece show.

A still from One Piece

Lastly, Netflix does not do justice to anime adaptations as they fail to capture the same essence of the source material, they have tried in the past and have failed miserably. Moreover, as Divinity Seeker stated that the episodes are being rewritten, which shows that the One Piece series by Netflix will move away from the source material, which would affect the original essence of the show.

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Source: Twitter


Written by Tushar Auddy

A voracious reader and a wordsmith at heart. Tushar is a student of Linguistics, who's always on the lookout for a good book or a captivating story. He has a passion for literature that runs deep and loves nothing more than getting lost in a novel for hours on end. When he isn't reading, you'll find him scribbling down his thoughts and musings, always eager to capture the beauty of language.