While instances of lead actors being replaced mid-filming are not uncommon, what’s hard to digest is that a filmmaker was replaced. This is exactly what happened with DCU’s blockbuster film Justice League.
The 2017 film Justice League was initially meant to be directed by Zack Snyder, but due to some personal reasons, the director stepped away from the project, and during his absence, Warner Bros replaced him with another director. Little did the studio realize that this decision would lead to fan outburst.

What lead to Zack Snyder’s mid-production departure from Justice League?
Within the DC universe, Zack Snyder‘s directorial vision breathes life into his films. Snyder is celebrated as one of the prominent directors who have left an indelible mark on the world of DC. His work has garnered critical acclaim, and fans passionately embrace his films. Previously, the director was assigned to direct the DC film Justice League.
However, during the filming of the movie, Snyder left the production in the middle due to the tragic death of his daughter. This event had a drastic impact on him and his family, due to which he had to step away from the project. After the director departed from the film, Warner Bros. brought in Joss Whedon to oversee reshoots and complete the film.

However, according to Snyder, amidst his issues, he had no time or energy to give to another thing. He said,
“I just was kind of done with it. I was in this place of [knowing] my family needs me more than this bullshit, and I just need to honor them and do the best I can to heal that world. I had no energy to fight [the studio] and fight for [the movie]. Literally, zero energy for that. I really think that’s the main thing. I think there’s a different world where I stayed and kind of tried. And I’m sure I could have . . . because every movie is a fight, right? I was used to that. But I just did not have the [energy]. There was no fight in me. I had been beaten by what was going on in my life and I just didn’t want to, I didn’t care to . . . that was kind of where I was.”
Whedon is an American filmmaker and screenwriter known for his work on the MCU film The Avengers. The director had a different approach to storytelling and filmmaking compared to Snyder, which led to disappointment among the fans, and they urged the production house to release that Snyder-cut film.
The Fans demanded Zack Snyder’s vision amidst disappointment

Joss Whedon’s involvement in the reshoot led to a shift in the tone of the Justice League. The output of the film directed by Whedon came out to be in a lighter and more comedic tone, which was different from Snyder’s vision of the movie. Snyder is known for infusing a darker and more serious tone into his work. For instance, films like Man of Steel and Batman vs Superman reflect the vision of Snyder.
Whedon’s version of the story was significantly different from Snyder’s vision, as Whedon’s film led to changes in character arcs, plot developments, and overall narrative structure. Many fans expressed disappointment with the final product, feeling that it didn’t live up to the potential of what a Justice League film could be.
Fans campaigned for the release of the Snyder Cut, as many of them believed that Snyder’s version would offer a more satisfying plot. The movement gained momentum on social media with the hashtag #ReleaseTheSnyderCut.
Years later, to every fan’s delight, Warner Bros. announced in 2020 that they would be releasing Zack Snyder’s Justice League on HBO Max. This version of the film is often referred to as the Snyder Cut, which is a four-hour-long film that revolves around Snyder’s vision for the movie.
Source: Cinemblend