Some DC Superheroes are very overrated and need to come down a peg or two. DC Comics is fundamentally responsible for the superhero genre over the years. Most of the superheroes deserve the attention they get, but some of the lesser-known or weaker heroes attract a lot of attention for many reasons. This is very frustrating for the fans. So, today we have brought you, such overrated heroes, that fans are sick and tired of.
1. Power Girl: She is an exciting version of Supergirl on Earth-2. She joined the Main DC Universe in Crisis On Infinite Earths. Power Girl has been an attention hog since then. She is an overrated and a mean DC Superhero.
2. Harley Quinn: Batman: The Animated Series made her a fan favorite and now she is one of the biggest characters in DC that blurs the line between superhero and supervillain. She also wins every fight, even the most improbable ones, and that makes her a less believable character.
3. Martian Manhunter: He is one of the most potent DC Superheroes ever. But he is quickly defeated by fire, which is kind of silly. Superheroes do have to face a lot of fire! Very rarely is he a DC Superhero.
4. Lobo: He is the quintessential 90’s antihero. He is one of the grimmest and darkest DC Superheroes. The readers loved Lobo’s moody and dark nature and the terrible tough-guy character. His character was supposed to be a satire but turned into a fan favorite for the same feelings that were his flaws. Now he feels antiquated.
5. Raven: Raven is one of the New Teen Titans. She is a powerful DC Superhero with an interesting backstory. Unfortunately, she is defined only by her powers. Raven loses control of her powers in every story, or someone else wants to control her.
6. Alan Scott: Alan’s powers come from the Starheart, which keeps him young and spry. He is also one of JSA’s most potent and elder statesmen. This automatically makes him the epicenter of events. Moreover, he is one of the DC Superheroes who gets far more attention than he deserves. This, however, does not mean that he is a bad one.
7. Damian Wayne: The son of Batman and Talia al Ghul is said to have stolen the limelight from Tim Drake who knows how to handle a situation well, unlike him. Wayne is a very violent character but has not grown since entering the DC universe.
8. Hal Jordan: He is the greatest of all the Green Lanterns and the least interesting one. He has not changed since his creation, and this is also why the movie starring Ryan Reynolds failed. Most of the other Green Lanterns on Earth are more interesting than him.
9. Batman: Batman takes on the most dangerous villains in Gotham. He overcomes them only because he is better equipped and more intelligent than them. Batman is the fallback for most Justice League stories. He is in the middle of everything and sidelines the other DC Superheroes. Batman is everywhere all the time, and this kills the authenticity of the character.
10. Barry Allen: He was killed and replaced by his protege Wally West, who was better than him in every way. But, when DC decided to restore Barry, he replaced West completely. It felt like the creators were doing too much to make him relatable and likable again which came off pretty outlandish.
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