Mortal Kombat 1 Leak Features New Game Mode that May be Too Far, Even for the Notoriously Gory and Graphic Gaming Franchise

According to the Singapore Ratings Board, Mortal Kombat 1, the next major installment in the NetherRealm Studios franchise, will feature a new game mode which might have gone too far. One of the mini-games in the upcoming title will apparently feature the destruction of a decapitated head. This task will be connected to multiple new game modes and is the reason fans believe Singapore gave the game an M18 rating. While there are no other details about the mini-game mode at this time, it has led fans to speculation as to what it means.

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In Mortal Kombat from 2011, there was a mini-game called “test your strike” which involved Reptile destroying skulls. Some fans believe that the new game mode in Mortal Kombat 1 might actually be a throwback challenge from the previous title.  Although Reptile has not been officially announced like several other fighters, there have been hints the character would be joining the roster. It is very possible Ed Boon, the director of the game, and his colleagues, are keeping some of this information under wraps as a surprise in the next two months, leading up to the game’s debut. 

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Mortal Kombat 1 is set to be a complete continuity reboot from the previous games. It will be changing up some of the major bios fans are familiar with, to bring something fresh and new to the title. It would not be surprising to see the game introduce some new game modes, while bringing back a few of the older ones in the franchise. NetherRealm Studios appears to be working hard to bring in hardcore Mortal Kombat fans, as well as players who may have never experience the series before now. 

Why This New Mortal Kombat 1 Game Mode Is Minor In Comparison to Past Franchise Controversies

Mortal Kombat 1's New Game Mode could bring back old Reptile mini-game.
Mortal Kombat 1’s New Game Mode could bring back old Reptile mini-game.

Mortal Kombat 1 will certainly not be the first game in the Ed Boon and John Tobias created series to feature a controversial decision. The franchise has inspired a history of legislative opinions, game ratings, advertisements, academic studies, court cases, and more, which exist because of Mortal Kombat. The last game developed by NetherRealm Studios, Mortal Kombat 11, was banned in Indonesia, China, Japan, and Ukraine. Germany was also banning Mortal Kombat games at launch, until recently.

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Mortal Kombat titles have been criticized for their extreme violence and gory fatalities. Some critics even blame the graphic content for inspiring real life violence. While the new game mode suggests more violence will be coming, this is a fairly typical move for the series.  NetherRealm Studios likes to push the limit and bring something that’s more disgusting, gory, and violent than the previous installment. It is no surprise shockingly violent characters like Homelander and Omni-Man have been added to the Kombat Pack 1 roster because of this. The hyper-violence is a quality that fans have come to expect, and it will likely not be going anywhere any time soon. 

Moral Kombat 1 will release September 19, 2023 on Nintendo Switch, Xbox Series X/S, PlayStation 5, and Windows. When it finally hits the shelves, fans will get a chance to see just what this new game mode is all about. 

What do you think of the new game mode coming to Mortal Kombat 1 that’s destined to make heads roll? Are you excited for the upcoming violent entry into the franchise or has NetherRealm Studios taken it too far? Leave a comment and let us know what you think of the game. 

Source: Singapore Ratings Board

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Written by Ezekiel Hall

Ezekiel is an avid gamer, film enthusiast, and has a love for all things technology. When he has free time you are most likely to find him playing something on PlayStation or binge watching a new show. He is a fan of all things DC, Marvel, and Star Wars.

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