Mindy Kaling has recently responded to the uproar over the impending spin-off series’ reimagining of Scooby Doo’s Velma’s ancestry. The character, who has always been featured as white in the original comics and cinematic adaptations, is now South Asian in the new spin-off.
Mindy Kaling will play Velma, the famous bespectacled character, and executive produces the comedy for HBO Max. On Thursday, the Never Have I Ever co-creator discussed the varied reactions to her taking up the role of the nerdy Mystery Inc. member with Late Night host Seth Meyers last year.
Also Read: Scooby-Doo Spin-off Starring Mindy Kaling Will Be For Adult Audience, Reveals Actor
The Velma series receives a lot of backlash from fans
The project, which was revealed in February, is an adult animated take on the famed detective known for losing her glasses, and it will examine her origin story. Mindy Kaling will voice the character who has appeared in several Scooby-Doo animated programs and movies since the original series premiered in 1969.
Following the first revelation that Kaling would be voicing the beloved character, the actress stated that the feedback was overwhelmingly enthusiastic. However, when it was eventually announced that the character, who had long been conceived as white, would be South Asian for her current chapter, some of that excitement turned into backlash, with Kaling telling Meyers that “people were not happy” on social media.
Kaling confessed she was surprised the character “elicited so strong reactions in either direction,” with Meyers adding that Velma was frequently an overlooked character who could be surprised to find out how many people cared about her.
Mindy Kaling reacts to trollers
On Thursday (6 October), The Office star stated that she is “constantly surprised by reactions to everything on social media.” She says,
“I think of the characters in this as so iconic, but in no way is the gang defined by their whiteness, except for Fred,” she continued. “So, I was a little bit surprised and I think most Indian-American girls when they see this skeptical, hardworking, kind of underappreciated character, can identify with her.”
Kaling recalls doing the same as a child. “Growing up, I’ve always identified with Velma,” she remarked of the diligent Scooby gang member considered the “brains.” “She was so cute, but not like traditionally hot – super smart, super thick glasses, questionable haircut. I just love the series and I feel so honored to do the voice.”
The new animated series will also explore Velma’s “unresolved sexual tension with a lot of characters,” according to Kaling. The adult animated series will also star Sam Richardson as Shaggy, Constance Wu as Daphne, and Glenn Howerton as Fred, and will depict the origin tale of Velma.
Velma will air on HBO Max in 2023.
Source: People