The acclaimed director Michael Bay, known for blowing up cars for fun has been accused of killing a bird. The alleged incident that took place has been snapped by an anonymous crew member. The incident is reported to have occurred during the shooting of Bay’s 6 Underground in Italy.
Being called the “pigeon killer”, Michael Bay has pleaded not guilty and denied that the said event ever took place. The Transformers director was seen stating that they are confident that they will prevail.
Michael Bay Denies Accusations of Killing A Pigeon
The director has had an explosive career over the years. Being known for blowing up stuff, Michael Bay has quite a fan following for his movies and his directorial style. Starring Ryan Reynolds along with several actors, Bay released the 2019 film called 6 Underground.
As per director Michael Bay, there has never been a pigeon killing during the shooting of his movie. The Bad Boys director stays adamant and even claims that he rejected a plea deal as he calls himself an “animal lover”. Talking to The Warp, here’s what Bay had to say about the incident.
“I am a well-known animal lover and major animal activist. No animal involved in the production was injured or harmed. Or on any other production, I’ve worked on in the past 30 years. We have clear video evidence,” Bay said, “a multitude of witnesses, and safety officers that exonerates us from these claims. And disproves their one paparazzi photo — which gives a false story.”
Bay insinuated that would the people rather believe an anonymous paparazzi or the acclaimed director in terms of proof. The director further talked about him rejecting a plea deal.
“I was offered by the Italian authorities a chance to settle this matter by paying a small fine, but I declined to do so because I would not plead guilty to having harmed an animal,”
6 Underground was released in 2019 while the shooting went underway in 2018. The whole thing blew up recently for unknown reasons (or defamation reasons). The whole incident blew up on the Internet with many calling Michael Bay the “Pigeon Killer”.
Michael Bay Is Being Called The “Pigeon Killer”
Related: How Michael Bay Turned Transformers From a Box Office Beast to a Washed up Circus Lion
As per reports by the Italian authorities, a pigeon was killed during the shooting of Bay’s movie. Stating that the homing pigeon was killed by a dolly during the middle of a take, the charges were put against the director. The event was captured by an anonymous person based on which the accusations were hurled. According to Italian law, it is illegal to harm, kill or capture any wild bird (homing pigeon included) and hence the charges.
On the professional side of things, Bay is currently speculated to helm as director in the upcoming movie titled Robopocalypse. Details regarding the plot or dates haven’t been released yet however, only Michael Bay can only name a movie “Robopocalypse”.
6 Underground is available to stream on Netflix.
Source: The Wrap