Set to serve as the direct spin-off to Marvel’s Hawkeye, the Disney+ show, Echo, will be the 10th series produced under the banner of Marvel Studios and explore the introspective journey of Maya Lopez within the mainstream Marvel Cinematic Universe. Featured as the primary antagonist of the Jeremy Renner-led series in MCU Phase Four, the reformed comic hero was played by Alaqua Cox and will be the lead protagonist of the Disney+ series which is set to debut in Phase Five of the MCU timeline.
Also read: Echo Releases First Set Photos of Vincent D’Onofrio as Kingpin, Teases Prequel Storyline
Marvel’s Echo Faces Some Unexpected Setbacks
The Marvel x Disney+ series has been rumored to be facing some unwarranted setbacks in its production which have now left the fans concerned about the show’s Phase Five launch. Echo will be one of the first set of superhero series that shines the spotlight directly on a character that is neither famously known nor serves as the titular hero in the Marvel comics. Maya Lopez’s superhero alter-ego appears as a supporting character of Daredevil even though she later goes on to play in the big leagues with the Avengers at some point in her career.
Echo had started moving ahead with filming as far back as April 2022 and wrapped up by August in order to allow for its assigned 2023 launch. However, the series has now allegedly encountered new problems in its post-production phase which seem to have halted further progress in its development.
The Disney+ series, in its initial announcement, was received with major support and enthusiasm for taking a lesser-known character and using the character’s creative potential to expand Marvel’s already prolific resume. Echo seemed like a definitive choice in the matter considering the reception to Alaqua Cox‘s acclaimed performance in Hawkeye.
Alaqua Cox Stars as the Protagonist in Disney+ Series
Alaqua Cox who had made her debut in the star-studded Disney+ show Hawkeye has disbanded from the parent series and gone off on her own. Her character, deaf and enabled with the power to photographically copy any movement with perfect accuracy (hence the name Echo) is set up as an antihero seeking retribution for the death of her father. Misguided by Wilson Fisk aka Kingpin, Echo dispels the majority of her anger toward taking down the Ronin, but in the end, after finding out the truth, shoots Fisk point blank in the head.
The Hawkeye finale does ruin the greatest arc of retribution and revenge that defines Maya Lopez and her journey but the show’s brief depiction of her formative years and rise as a hero, allows Echo to start paving the path to a wider scope of possibilities for Marvel’s fledgling protagonist. The Disney+ series is now set to explore the character tracing her way back home and navigating her familial roots, grieving the death of her childhood friend Kazi, and healing from the betrayal of the only family she has ever known.
Echo is set to premiere in 2023.
Source: Cosmic Circus