MCU fans aren’t unaware that the sibling factor in the movies adds spice to the film. Earlier, Thor (2011) first showcased the two Asgardian brothers. Fans used to consider them as the MCU’s Best Siblings. However, the release of Black Widow introduced a new pair of siblings into the MCU. So now, there must be a debate on which is the “more exciting sibling pair in the MCU.”
Therefore, here we are with 4 Reasons Why Thor & Loki Are MCU’s Best Siblings & 4 Why Its Natasha and Yelena are the best.
Let us begin with Thor and Loki:
1. Thor is stronger while Loki is smarter, and both are opposite:
The relationship between Thor and Loki seems complicated by their polar opposite attributes. However, everything about their fights and conversations is improved by it. Although Yelena is sarcastic and reckless, she is similar to Natasha in many ways.
2. Thor and Loki are siblings and sworn enemies.
The contrast between Loki’s heroic and villainous qualities is always interesting to watch. However, Loki becomes more effective when he’s a villain. On the other hand, in Black Widow, their relationship stops combative once the fight is over. Thor and Loki facing off was always thrilling.
3. Thor and Loki’s journey over a decade lends a deeper look into their relationship.
Bringing Thor and Loki to the audiences, allowing them to form opinions and then change them over time, helped MCU increase their bonding. In contrast, Natasha and Yelena did not have the time to develop their relationship as Thor and Loki did.
4. The aftermath of Loki’s death:
Loki’s death in Infinity War is significant for Thor, bringing a tragic end to their relationship. Thor gets more intense after his brother’s death. Natasha’s death scene is a letdown that her death could have avoided.
Now let us move towards Natasha-Yelena:
1. Natasha Hands Over The Torch To Yelena:
In Hawkeye, Yelena may seek revenge for Natasha, continuing her legacy. This is a lovely way to maintain their relationship without Natasha around. On the contrary, Thor and Loki will be on separate paths from now.
2. The complex Family background of Natasha and Yelena:
It’s interesting to note that neither pair of MCU siblings is related. Instead, Natasha and Yelena form a unique family that is much more complex than anyone had expected.
3. Unlike Thor and Loki, Natasha and Yelena confronted their pasts together.
Natasha and Yelena confront their pasts and overcome trauma together. This shows a bond between them that not even Thor and Loki have. On the other hand, Loki hates thor right from the beginning.
4. The typical sibling teasing between Natasha and Yelena:
Thor and Loki also have great moments where they get on one another’s nerves. However, seeing Yelena mock Natasha for her “posing” move seems so much like something real sisters would tease each other. The bond that they have also created some of Black Widow’s funniest moments.
So this was it. We have given you equal reasons to decide which bond of siblings was a better one. Please let us know which MCU siblings are the best in the comment section.
Also, watch BLACK WIDOW Special Look Featurette on our YouTube Channel: