The Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) has introduced audiences to a diverse array of characters, each with its unique storylines and development. Among these beloved characters is Gamora, portrayed by the talented actress, Zoe Saldana. The character was first introduced in the 2014 film titled, Guardians of the Galaxy. It didn’t take much time for Saldana’s Gamora to become a fan-favorite ever since then.
Zoe Saldana’s portrayal of Gamora has been widely praised for its nuance and emotional depth. Her ability to embody the fierce yet vulnerable nature of the character has resonated with audiences, further amplifying her popularity among fans. Fans had high hopes for the future of Saldana’s MCU character, but sadly these hopes were shattered soon enough.
Gamora’s Journey In The Marvel Cinematic Universe
After her debut in Guardians of the Galaxy, Saldana reprised her character in the second installment of the film series. But what came next took everyone by surprise. Zoe Saldana’s MCU character met her end in the blockbuster Avengers: Infinity War, where Thanos, her adoptive father, took her life to get his hands on the Soul Stone. Many believe that the character won’t ever come back, as they mourned her death.
But thanks to the time heist in Avengers: Endgame, the Gamora from the past encountered our present heroes. But this Gamora is different as she does not carry any memory of her adventures as a Guardian. Many fans argue that this very fact has hindered the potential for character development and exploration in the third and final installment of the Guardians of the Galaxy. Gamora’s presence in the recently released film seems to many fans as if her true self and potential were not explored much. While Gamora’s return in Avengers: Endgame was a welcome surprise, her journey from that point forward remained unexploited.
Fans On The Underwhelming Use Of Gamora During Her MCU Journey
The release of Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 has reignited discussions surrounding Gamora’s arc. Fans expressed disappointment over what they perceived as a missed opportunity to fully explore the character’s complexities. They believe that Avengers: Infinity War ruined her journey in the franchise.
Also Read: “I think the time has come”: Zoe Saldana Wants Gamora Recast After Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3
Fans are still upset about Gamora’s role and contributions to the franchise. Guardians of the Galaxy may never return and this has left many fans with dissapointment.
Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 was released on May 5, 2023, and is available for watch in theaters.
Source: @NebsGoodTakes
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