Secret Invasion finally lands on Disney+ this week and marks the first TV series under MCU’s Phase 5. The show will consist of six episodes starring Samuel L Jackson, Cobie Smulders, Kingsley Ben-Adir, Ben Mendelsohn, Don Cheadle, and Emilia Clarke.
The story follows Nick Fury, the beloved Marvel agent, and his quest to thwart the imminent invasion of Skrulls on Earth. The series will show a different side to the characters that avid Marvel fans used to know from the time of the Avengers.
Samuel L Jackson Wants To Hang Out With Marvel Co-Stars Except For Anthony Mackie
In an interview with Entertainment Weekly’s Around the Table series, Samuel L Jackson discussed his character on the show. He reprised the role of Nick Fury alongside Don Cheadle’s James Rhodes and Cobie Smulders’ Maria Hill. As the “connective tissue”, Fury serves as the familiar face among the new ones:
“I’m the guy that everybody knows. So when [viewers] come to it, they’re coming to it like, ‘Oh, we’re finally getting the Nick Fury series,’ but they’re going to be surprised because they’re going to find out so much about these other people who they’re going to want to know more about.”
Samuel L Jackson revealed that his character is going to be a whole lot different this time, and people will have some sort of “angst against Fury”:
“Everybody’s got some angst with Fury right now. It’s like, ‘Where’ve you been? What are you doing? Everybody’s got this thing with Fury and Fury doesn’t understand it.”
The actor shared more details as to what fans can expect from Nick Fury and the show in general:
“He cannot be bailed out by these people that have been bailing him out — including the Skrulls, which we find out that Fury’s whole ascendance has been because of the Skrull support that nobody knew about. And he hasn’t been able to fulfill his promise, but they’ve done everything for him that made him Nick Fury, so he owes them.”
Somewhere in the interview, Jackson questioned why, despite being in the same space, his character and the other “brothers in the Marvel universe never hang out.” The Avengers star did not forget to hint at Anthony Mackie, the new Captain America:
“Well, all right, maybe I don’t want to hang out with him. But the rest of us are trying to get together!”
Whatever Samuel L Jackson meant here, fans won’t be seeing Nick Fury and Sam Wilson appearing on screen together in the foreseeable future, though he hopes to bond with other co-stars.
Samuel L Jackson And Don Cheadle Finally Share Screen After More Than A Decade
Secret Invasion is the first time Nick Fury and James Rhodes appeared on screen together. The duo has been allies from the beginning of the Avengers saga, though they never had any significant interaction. Samuel L Jackson shared he knew his first interaction with Don Cheadle was going to be epic:
“I didn’t have to think about what was going to happen or how it was going to happen; I knew that Don was in the space, I’m in the space, it’s about to be lit.”
Cheadle was also enthusiastic to work alongside Jackson, claiming he has “been wanting to work with Sam for many, many years.”
The first episode of Secret Invasion is now available on Disney+.
Source: EW