Created by the Wachowski sisters, the Matrix series was a revolution and a revelation. Ever since Keanu Reeves’s Neo stepped into the frame flanked on both sides by his greatest and most fearless allies, it has been an adventure with reaches far beyond the impossible. Human imagination was truly the limit in the new world order set by the Wachowskis and not only did the projects take off to a population teeming with stagnancy and stale ideas but allowed them the liberty to open up new channels of thought and debate – so much so that “simulation” became a tangible reality and an explanation for the inexplicable in today’s modern society.
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The Wachowskis Intended to Cast Michelle Yeoh as Seraph
Even though it may be hard to imagine the Matrix series being even more of a success than it already is, nothing was beyond the grasp of the directors who came up with the idea for The Matrix, sold it to the unsuspecting masses, and forever altered the way people viewed reality with just a few precise masterstrokes of storytelling.
The film that viewed regular people – the oblivious rats in the race – as wilfully ignorant beings living in the simulation, also had a character named Seraph who was created as a guardian of the Oracle. The Oracle, originally designed as a program to study the human psyche, is essentially the creator of the Matrix (the simulated reality) and Seraph was thereafter designed as an enhanced and sophisticated challenge response-authentication program brought on board to guard the Oracle.
The Seraph – appearance: human of Asian descent – was portrayed by Collin Chou in the films, although initially for the Wachowskis, nothing short of perfection would work for the role of their greatest Terminator-esque creation. Equipped with deviant martial arts skills, there was really only one other actor that could be a perfectly curated cast for the part – the queen of action and martial arts, Michelle Yeoh, herself.
Why the Wachowskis Needed Michelle Yeoh as Seraph
Beyond the Malaysian actress’s growing reputation in Hollywood circles during the mid-80s, Michelle Yeoh’s qualities extended far beyond brawn and beauty. Yeoh blew away the industry with her role in Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon and she soon became a niche talent who the execs were outbidding each other for in the span of months. As for the Wachowskis, such a performer so perfect for the role could only come once in a generation and it was too good to pass up.
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However, production red tapes and follow-up procedures cleared out the path for Collin Chou’s arrival – essentially a boon in disguise. The actor who then goes on to play the role of the guardian has done so incredibly and even though the stunt queen of Hong Kong action films was not present as the One’s worthy adversary, Chou picked up the part well enough to be remembered as one of the legacies left behind by the Matrix series.
The Matrix series is currently available for watching on HBO Max.
Source: Film Champ