Released in 2010, The A-Team was based on 1980s television series, which had the same name. However, even with a star ensemble that included Bradley Cooper, Liam Neeson, Dwight Schultz, and so on, the film failed to perform at the box office and even the critics weren’t a fan of it.
Although it received mixed reviews from the audience, The A-Team became somewhat of a cult classic. You would find it interesting to know that the team wanted to use this film to kick-start a possible franchise. However, thirteen years have gone by without a sequel and fans should not bet on it either. Bradley Cooper once revealed why The A-Team’s franchise ended as soon as it started.
Bradley Cooper on The A-Team Sequel
The A-Team certainly didn’t perform as well at the box office as the creators might have hoped for it to. In the United States, the film was able to pull $77 million before the doors to theatres shut. At the international box office, the film made around $100 million. Given the fact that the budget for the film was around $110 million, you can see that it just was not profitable enough.
Bradley Cooper once told Empire that this was the exact reason why the star cast wasn’t reuniting for a sequel. He stated that while he loved the film, the revenue couldn’t possibly support a second film.
“I loved it too. But unfortunately outside of you, a few of your friends, and myself, there just wasn’t enough revenue to supply a second installment of that franchise.”
Even Liam Neeson talked about the possibility of a sequel to Den of Geek. He stated that he and the rest of the cast members were always game for a second film. However, he added that it’s “a question of dollars and cents” for the studios.
“Well, there’s nothing planned at the minute, but the studios certainly aren’t saying no. I personally would love to get on the horse again, you know? With Bradley and Sharlto and Rampage – we all would. But with the studios and the studio system, it’s a question of dollars and cents.”
Well, it has been over a decade since these conversations took place and it looks like it’s safe to say that a sequel is not going to happen.
Bradley Cooper Talks About Working on The A-Team
In an interview with, Cooper opened up about what was going through his mind when he signed up for The A-Team. He stated that he was a fan of the television series growing up and was excited that he got to be a part of the thrill.
“It was incredible to do this movie and to be able to relive a part of the thrill I used to have watching that show. I loved it. I felt like a kid again getting to run around with these iconic characters that I grew up on.”
As for what it was like working with the rest of the cast members, Cooper had nothing but praise for the experience.
“We had a blast. They are great guys. And Liam Neeson! He was like the daddy. We looked up to him because there he is, this proper actor, running around messing around just like the rest of us. And Sharlto too. I had seen him in District 9. It was a thrill, just to work with him. Quinton as well. He’s a great guy and perfect as B.A”
It looks like the team sure had a lot of fun working on The A-Team. It’s too bad they won’t get to relive those days on the sets of a sequel!
You can watch The A-Team by renting or buying it on Prime Video.
Source: Empire