Mark Wahlberg, known for his versatile acting career, delivered a gripping performance in the film Patriots Day. The film chronicles the events surrounding the 2013 Boston Marathon bombing and its aftermath. Portraying real-life police sergeant Tommy Saunders, Wahlberg showcased his ability to capture the resilience and determination of a dedicated law enforcement officer.
Wahlberg’s portrayal resonated with audiences, portraying the heroism and unity displayed by the people of Boston during the crisis. His commitment to authenticity and his ability to convey raw emotions made his performance in Patriots Day a powerful tribute to the strength of the human spirit in the face of tragedy. However, a planned sequel never made it to the big screen.
How Did Mark Wahlberg Steal Casey Affleck’s Project
Speaking of films about the Boston Marathon bombings, Patriots Day was one of three initially proposed projects. The other two included Boston Strong, based on the book of the same name, which was set to be directed by Daniel Espinosa and feature Casey Affleck, and Stronger, centered around bombing survivor Jeff Bauman, with Jake Gyllenhaal in the lead role.
Patriots Day specifically aimed to portray the experiences of Boston Police Commissioner Ed Davis during the intense manhunt. Eventually, CBS Films acquired the rights to Boston Strong and incorporated it into the existing script, while Stronger was produced independently and released separately.
CBS Films announced on March 31, 2015, confirming their production of the film, Patriots Day. The movie centered around the events of the 2013 Boston Marathon bombing and the subsequent manhunt. The script, penned by Matt Charman, primarily focused on the experiences of Boston Police Commissioner Edward F. Davis. Patriots’ Day drew inspiration from the book Boston Strong and incorporated material from the television program 60 Minutes to provide an in-depth portrayal of the harrowing events.
Did The Film Manage To Impress The Audience?
Patriots Day amassed a global box office revenue of $152 million. It earned $52.7 million in the United States and Canada and an additional $99.3 million from other territories. The film was made with a production budget of $45 million. Its engaging storytelling and portrayal of real-life events resonated with audiences worldwide.
Upon release, Patriots Day garnered a mix of reviews from critics, with opinions divided. While some praised Mark Wahlberg’s performance, others criticized the film’s portrayal of the Boston Marathon bombing and its aftermath. The divergent reception reflected varying perspectives on the movie’s approach to the sensitive subject matter. Despite the divided critical response, the film’s ability to spark conversations and evoke contrasting opinions demonstrated its impact and ability to elicit diverse reactions from viewers and reviewers alike.
Patriots Day is available for rent and purchase on Google Play and Amazon Instant Video.
Source: The Wrap